Nothing But Darkness

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She didn't wake up. She wasn't dead as far as she knew,but she wasn't alive either. She hung in limbo, swimming in a dark void of nothing but space in her own mind.

Time stood still. Was she in a coma? She couldn't tell, engulfed in her own mind, who was beside her in the waking world she did not know. She just knew darkness.

Until something started forming on the horizon, that is. She had no other choice than to chase whatever was there, it looked like nothing but a strong beam of light. Whatever it was, she was going to chase it.

As Evergreen approached her target, it got larger and brighter, but suddenly disappeared into the darkness once more. This frustrated her, causing her to keep running in the direction it came from.

Well, she didn't know what direction was what, but she could guess. The light appeared on the horizon again, all she could do was chase, but when she got close, it'd disappear.

This happened for hours it seemed like. The light would appear for a moment, have Evergreen get close, and disappear from whence it came. It was slowly driving her even more insane than she currently was, and that was severe all on it's own.

The final time the light appeared, it made her sick. As she slowly, tiredly made her way to the light, she awoke with a stomach so upset she projectile vomited across the room and all over herself.

"Fucking gross! She got her vomit all over me! Brian!" The voice was familiar again, but the name it called was not. As Evergreen groggily opened her eyes, she saw the cashier lady standing directly in front of her, drenched in the disgusting goop that contained the contents of Evergreen's stomach.

"That's why you don't stand directly in front of our......people....Beatrice." The hooded man.

"So your name is Brian.....and Beatrice....such nice names...." Evergreen was too dazed to comprehend the conversation.

"Good to see Madam PukesALot is awake.....and thank you I guess....I prefer Bebe...." Bebe wiped off a lot of the vomit, rushing out of the room.

"Don't mind my wife, she just hasn't learned to not stand in front of....sick...individuals." Brian stretched, chuckling a bit.

" two are....married? Do you have children....?" Evergreen was too tired to be scared, her body exhausted from the strain of the situation.

"A baby. Her uncle is babysitting her upstairs. Its nice to get a break from the usual screaming baby. Although your puking habit is not much different from hers." Brian layed his hand on Evergreen's forehead, grimacing.

"Burning up.....Hot....Yet so cold...." Evergreen was shivering, and Brian picked her up.

"Let's have Maddison clean you up. You two have a lot to talk about." Brian hurried up the stairs, setting Evergreen in a large tub. "I'd do it but I'm sure you don't want a strange man dealing with you in your most vulnerable state."

"Vulnerable......Tired...." Evergreen couldn't maintain proper mental stability as Brian called for Maddison.

When the woman walked in she no more resembled the woman Evergreen was originally searching for. Her beauty was otherworldly and her stomach had a little extra roundness to it, possibly pregnant.

"Aaahh....poor girl....our radiation is making her sick. Nothing we can do except take care of her until it blows over." Maddison started to strip Evergreen, Brian turning to face the wall.

"How long will it take?" Brian refraimed from facing Maddison as she cleaned up the vomit soaked Evergreen.

"A day to a couple weeks. Hopefully somewhere shorter than a couple weeks because she would be pretty damn near dead if it takes that long." Maddison washed the weak human in the tub.

"How's the baby, Mad?" Brian looked at the door, studying each grain of wood.

"Rowdy. She keeps kicking me in the lungs." Maddison dried the half alive Evergreen and put a hospital gown on her.

"Where the hell do you even get those?" Brian looked confusedly at the gown with little rainbows on it.

"You'd be surprised how many hospitals don't watch their supplies closely enough if it isn't medication." Maddison chuckled a bit, and swept Evergreen off her feet, putting the dazed girl in her own bed.

"I found you....." Evergreen grinned before she passed out again.

"No no sweetheart....I found YOU." Maddison laughed, pulling a blanket over Evergreen. "C'mon Brian, we have work to do. I don't know what my husband will do if he finds her here."

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