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{This chapter contains even worse content than before, if you can not handle sexual assault or physical torture, turn back now.}

In her days avoiding Woods, Evergreen started to brainstorm questions that would get her much closer to the answers. She had overheard Brian and Bebe talk about the basement, how there was something down there that could be the key to getting in that personal room.

Evergreen bounced up to Maddison, being careful of Brian and Bebe's rambuctious baby.

"Am I allowed to go into the basement?" Evergreen had sprung the question so fast on the woman, she stood in shock for a moment.

"I mean, I would say so, I didn't tell you that you couldn't." Maddison laughed off her shock, shaking her head. "Don't scare me like that, you'll put me in labor!" She rubbed her belly, taking deep breaths.

"Then why is it locked?" Evergreen spoke gently, not wanting to stress Maddison out.

"Oh! I completely forgot! Here's the key, you can hold on to it until your stay ends." Maddison handed Evergreen a small silver key, and continued cooking like she was when Evergreen bounded in.

When Evergreen unlocked the door, a musty smell wafted to her nose, making her sneeze. She slowly started descending the stairs, seeing the faint glow of what appeared to be a vending machine.

When she made her way to it, the machine had a sign that read; Dispense Any Liquid You Want! The Foam Cup Won't Deteroriate!

Okay, Thought Evergreen, This has to be joke or something.

So she tried it, entering the words "corrosive acid." As soon as she pressed enter, the machine set to work, rumbling for a bit until the spout dispensed a strange smelling substance that Evergreen wanted no part of.

She saw the built in trash on the machine and tosses the cup, and new one dispensed in its place. She noted a button with the words next to it stating it was compantible with voice commands.

Evergreen gently pressed the button, quietly speaking so no one upstairs would hear.

"Liquid that will rid the door of the sealing around it." She thought she might need to be more specific when the machine rumbled and spit out some kind of harsh scented chemical.

She gingerly grabbed the cup and put an "indestructable" lid on it, grabbing one of the "indespensible" spoons and quietly went upstairs. Everyone was busy doing their own thing, meaning Evergreen had the perfect chance to sneak in, and out, without being caught.

She swiftly but carefully coated the door's seal in the liquid, easily breaking in. It only took a few moments, her stepping in and shutting the door to make it look like it was still sealed.

When she got in the room, she found family heirlooms, scientific documents, and research done by Maddison's parents.

And a diary.

When Evergreen opened the diary and started reading, she found out who Maddison's husband was, why she went missing, and ended up finding out the other's stories through the diary and the research documents.

"S.....C....P....? What the hell is that?" That's the very moment she heard a chuckle, turning around to see Woods in the dark room with her.

"Ohh, I see you found out almost all of the information about our fucked up little family!" He took a big step towards Evergreen, pinning her in the corner against the desk. "You know, I have a good friend who quotes a very good phrase. Would you like to hear it?"

Evergreen's heart was racing, fear creeping up her throat.

"I m..mean.... I g-guess....." Her stuttering made Woods cackle as he gave her a sick look.

"You shouldn't of done that!" The large man pounced on her, pinning her to the desk, her screams and cries unheard. She felt her clothes being torn away from her body, and he released a deep groan from within his chest.

"So beautiful, such perfect skin....I wish to tarnish it." He brandished a knife seemingly from thin air, Evergreen had not seen the sheath for it on his hip. He grinned even wider, as if that was possible, as Evergreen begged for him to let her go.

"No no no, baby girl, don't cry....It'll only hurt a minute." The man tore away what was left of her pants, leaving her vulnerable. Begging him to let her go meant nothing to him as he carved his full name into her beautiful skin.

The blood from the carving 'Jeffrey Woods' ran down her leg as she cried and whimpered. He used her as he pleased, leaving her a crying mess on the floor when he was done.

"Go to sleep. If you know what's best for you."

Bleeding and weak, she crawled her way out, traumtized. When someone found her, she was unconscious, still crying and muttering "" through her tears.

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