Part 11

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We've come to the beginning of the end to this story...

I had been talking to a good friend of mine who gave me the strength the finally put this to rest. No more Jake. No more misadventures. No more being afraid of what he'll do, at least for the most part. I finally stood up for myself an made the best decision for this situation. If you're wondering, this is past the baby's birth.

I typed out everything in the feelings drawer of my brain. I told him how I felt about the things he had done to me. I told them they weren't funny. I called him out for his shit and told him I wasn't putting up with all the stress and fear anymore. He scares me and he needs to know it.

"We shouldn't be friends or talk to each other anymore," I ended it.

There was one small problem. He didn't read it for a week and a half! I had finally gotten myself to get rid of him and he wasn't even reading it! He had began to be the person who never responded to my texts or looked like he cared about me either. Most people told me that's another reason to get him out of the way. Why spend so much precious emotional time on this douchebag who ruined me?

Some people would say that I should have just ignored him and not explained anything because he wouldn't care. But I had to tell him. He needed to know that he was a predator in my eyes. I couldn't just not say anything either because he would have tried to get my attention again... I didn't want to live in fear of the day he came back...

After a week and a half passed, I was angry. No more ms. peaceful, understanding, nice girl. I sent him a message that said "Aaaayyyee," with the middle finger emoji under it. It felt good to do something like that. If being mean to one person had to happen in my life, I'm definitely up for it being him. I was laughing at it and sending screenshots to all my friends who cheered me on for not being nice to him anymore. Then, he looked at it...

After all that time, he looked at it when I had sent the middle finger. he didn't respond... I was okay with that, but then a sudden wave of fear came over me and I did something stupid... I messaged him once more saying, "Oh my freaking heck. that wasn't me." and then "Just ignore that and me." It's almost like I tried to save myself from pushing him out, but then realized that It had to happen and went with it again.

I was friends with him on snapchat only a little longer until I saw that he had gotten a new girlfriend. That really bugged me seeing him so happy with some new victim. It angered me. What's worse is that she's not really his type... The skinny, beautiful, hot body type that he hunts for. Maybe this is good for him, but it's only a matter of time before he cheats on her for a girl with a great appearance. My suspicions were correct when I heard he was at a skating place with my friend, his ex he cheated on with me. He ran into her and wouldn't let her leave his sight. He pulled her back and told her he loved her and that he wanted things to work out between them... While his girlfriend was skating around. She finally caught up with the situation and now knows that he's a cheater... Why won't she just dump him? It's bound to happen soon I think.

He started stalking my friend where she worked trying to get her to talk to him. It's unbelievable. It's gross. It's wrong. It's bothering to hear... What if he shows up where I work? It's a food place too... What if he shows up at the skating place while I'm there??? All these thoughts started to break into my mind. I almost wanted him to see me, just so he could see how much I hate him by the look on my face. I am also curious as to what he would do... Would he try to talk to me like he did with her? Or am I just the ugly one of the many girls now?

As the universe would have it, Jake and I did come back in contact again. This time it was different. I was hanging out with him and his girlfriend at their apartment that just so happened to be right down the street from me. So he was close again. He didn't seem to have any interest in me anymore. In fact he said he thought of me as a little sister now. He seemed really different, mentally. He acted young and I'm honestly glad I didn't end up wanting to be with him in the end. He wasn't my type anymore.

He and I will always be in contact. We are young adults now and we have moved past our experiences as young teenagers. I am finally free of the terrible thoughts and memories. They have no effect on me anymore.

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