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By the second week in the Prettymuch house, the boys had already developed traditions. They all cooked breakfast together on the weekends: Friday was go out to breakfast day: and every other day of the week was cereal.

On this Wednesday morning, Edwin stood on the tips of his toes, reaching for the Cocoa Puffs. Why did Zion have to put his favorite cereal on the top shelf? He huffed, silently cursing his genes for making him short. What was worse was that he was the first one awake. He didn't dare wake any of the other boys up to fulfill his own personal cereal needs.

He decided to be resilient, taking a deep breath before reaching endlessly higher to grab the brown box. He was so focused on the cereal that he didn't hear the sound of slippers padding into the tiled kitchen.

Edwin froze as a warm hand placed itself on the small of his back. Out of his peripheral vision, he could see a tan, tattooed arm reaching up effortlessly, swiping the cereal box of the shelf, and placing it on the counter in front of them.

Edwin turned to meet Brandon's eyes, but was immediately distracted by his lack of a shirt and red flannel pajama pants that hung low on his hips. Brandon chuckled.

"I had it," Edwin huffed, forcing himself not to stare.

"Sure you did, bro."

Brandon reached up again, grabbing the box of Fruit Loops off of the same shelf before beginning to pour himself a bowl. Edwin absorbed the twitch of his back muscles, and the broad expanse of his shoulders.

"So how did you sleep?" Brandon's voice slightly startled Edwin, traveling with his figure further into the kitchen.

"I slept pretty well. I mean it is nice to be the only one with my own room in this house."

Edwin poured cereal and then milk into his bowl, walking over to join Brandon at the kitchen island. The younger boy chuckled through a mouthful of food. Edwin noticed that it was a bad habit he had.

"I still don't understand how you managed to finesse that."

Maybe it's the gay charm, Edwin joked mentally. "It wasn't that hard. You guys are such pushovers."

Brandon looked mock offended, reaching over to give Edwin's shoulder a playful shove. Edwin shivered as tingles radiated from that spot.

"Hey at least I can reach the top shelf," Brandon countered.

"Don't start!"

A third party grumbled from somewhere in the kitchen. The two boys both looked over to Zion, disheveled and disoriented in the doorway.

"Can you two please shut up? It's 10am and you're already yelling."

Edwin swore he was blushing. "Sorry."

"I'm not," Brandon shrugged before smiling. "You needed to wake up, lazy."

Zion's eyebrows shot to his forehead. "Just because I'm not up until 3 in the morning making beats doesn't mean I'm lazy."

Edwin turned to Brandon incredulously. He knew the boy had a history of getting too involved in his work. All the boys knew that. Brandon was the super committed, determined, productive member of the band. Edwin just didn't know the extent to which that label was accurate.

"You were up until three?" Edwin questioned.

"It was nothing. I liked the end product, so it was all worth it."

Zion mentally cursed Brandon's nonchalant cheeriness. Edwin once again just looked at the boy in disbelief. Neither of the two could understand how Brandon worked the way he did without tiring himself out.

"That's impressive," Edwin breathed.

Brandon shrugged, lifting his bowl to his lips and sucking down the milk that remained. He used the back of his arm to wipe away the small milk moustache that formed. Edwin's heart melted.

"I gotta go work on another track," Brandon began. "But we have rehearsal at like two today, right?"

Zion nodded. "Yeah. Tell Mara not to be late."

Brandon smiled. "Got it. See y'all later. You know where I'll be if you need me."

Edwin let out a breath he didn't know he was holding as the tan figure disappeared further into the house. Zion caught his eye and shook his head.

"That boy is crazy."

Edwin nodded. "You're telling me."

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