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The next morning was a struggle for Edwin as he tried to avoid two of his bandmates. It seemed that everywhere he went, either Brandon or Zion was waiting for him. It was beginning to drive him crazy.

What Edwin found even more annoying was the fact that it was Monday, meaning the day was packed with both a vocal lesson, a trip to the studio to record, and a three hour dance lesson. His schedule was packed. Edwin groaned at the thought of having to spend every minute with his friends.

Staring out the window on the drive to the vocal technique teacher's studio, Edwin found his cheeks growing hot from his own thoughts. He couldn't stop letting his mind wander to what would happen if he came out, and everything worked out. What if Brandon has a crush on him too? What if Brandon had a crush on him and the boys were cool with it? Just the thoughts made him blush.

When the group arrived at the studio, they piled out of the Syco company van one by one. Edwin reached high to stretch his sore joints, ignoring his bandmates as they began to chatter. Even through the walk up the studio stairs and into the plush room, Edwin stayed silent.

"Okay," Mira, the vocal instructor started, clapping her hands together. "So today is the day that you guys are going to be recording your first single."

All of the boys looked at each other excitedly. Edwin couldn't help the wide smile blooming on his face. This was it, the moment he had been waiting for.

Mira chuckled softly, "I think that was supposed to be a secret, so don't let Simon and the others crucify me. But what's most important is getting you all vocally ready. And you definitely have some work to do."

About twenty minutes into the lesson, Edwin realized just how right Mira was. Singing covers was fine, easy even. But when it came to pinning down their own sound and perfecting it, the group was beyond lost.

"What is it today that is making you all so distorted?" Mira questioned, throwing her hands to the sky in defeat. "Nick, your high notes are scratchy, and you're our only soprano. Edwin, you sound so shaky that an 80 year old woman with Parkinson's could hold a note better than you. Zion, singing louder than everyone else does not equate to singing better than everyone else. Brandon, for the love of God, stop adding a riff to everything! And Austin? Well you're doing great, sweetie."

Brandon was the only one who actually looked offended, allowing his eyebrows to pinch together. Edwin's heart melted at how cute he thought Brandon looked. It was like seeing a baby lion attempt to roar. It was supposed to be threatening, but was nothing but pure cuteness.

"Mira," Brandon's tone was overly sweet. "How are we supposed to get our R&B sound without the riff?"

Mira pinched the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger, her signature sign of frustration. "I don't know, Brandon. Maybe we can deal with that once y'all actually are recording an R&B song. But this? This is pop music!"

Edwin rolled his eyes at his vocal teacher's response. He understood that the group needed a bit of tough love. They had begun to rely too much on the popularity of their covers. Now that they were making a new song, they needed to buckle down.

"Edwin!" Mira snapped. "You and Brandon harmonize in a normal C major scale. Go up one octave and come down. Brandon, no riffs."

The two didn't hesitate to begin singing together, realizing simultaneously that Mira couldn't take any more disappointment from the band.  Edwin kept his eyes trained on the floor the entire time, wondering if the group could hear his thumping heart as he sang with his crush.  Brandon, as always, looked completely nonchalant as he sang the chord.

When the two were finished, Mira instantly smiled.  "See?  That was perfect.  I love you two together.  I'll make sure to let the studio know that you two have to carry the harmonies.  We'll call them Bredwin harmonies."

If Edwin's heart was racing before, it was now sprinting.  "Bredwin?"  He questioned cautiously.

"Yep!  That's you two together.  Bredwin is about to save this song."  Edwin didn't have time to react  before Mira was moving on.  "Alright, next up, let's work on holding notes.  Everyone let's start with concert C for two counts of four."

As the group began to sing, Edwin felt a light nudge in his right shoulder.  He looked over to find none other than Brandon, still managing to hold his note as he smiled at Edwin.  When he sent a wink Edwin's way, the older boy found himself blushing again.

He couldn't help but to stop and wonder if coming out to everyone would be all that bad.  If Mira had faith in Bredwin, maybe Edwin should have some too.

I'm Real (B.A. x E.H.)Where stories live. Discover now