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(Authors POV)

It was the end of the day and Soojung was excited because you were with her, 'Y/N tell TaeTae to leave me alone with you, I want to play more with you!' Soojung said cutely. 'Soojung I can't, Taehyung needs to take you home.' you said picking her up to take her to Taehyung. 'hey Soojung!~' she simply frowned at him, he tilted his head. 'what's the ma-' 'go home' Soojung cut off Taehyung.

'what?' he blinked a couple times. 'you know what I said, go home.' she didn't want to leave. 'Soojung, you need to go home, I also need to go home.' you tried convincing her but that didn't work. 'then take me with you' omg Soojung, please don't Taehyung said mentally. 'Wait, aren't you Jiminie's big sister!?' you paused. 'how did you know.' 'well, he always talks about you and your eye smile' she said looking up. Awwww my little mochi! 'well, maybe you can come with us' Taehyung suggested. You turned your head and gave a are you sure look, Taehyung simply nodded.

When Soojung heard that she started jumping up and down. 'You need to come over anyway' Taehyung seemed worried. 'why?' 'you just need to' you were confused, you were just excited to see Jimin.

You guys arrived at their dorm which was huge, it was like a mansion with one story. 'Jim-' before you could finish you felt someone back hug you, you also heard little sniffles. 'See? Soojung go into my room I'll be there soon, okay?' she nodded and went. 'J-Jimin?' you stuttered. 'he doesn't know what to do, he's scared, we released a little video of us practising. And Jimin is already getting hate, well I wasn't in it but yeah.' you started to boil. 'I don't know what to do!' he let go and ran to his room. You ran after him to see him curled up in a little ball in the blankets, you sat on the bed next to him and said. 'I'm sorry you have to go through this, remember you have me and the boys with you. We can get through this together, the people that are giving you hate is just little shits that have nothing else to do. They're just jealous of you, your my little mochi.' you smiled as he turned around wiping away his tears.

'okay, I'll try to get through this. Did you know you are the only one that cheers me up when I'm sad?' you smiled and hugged him 'yeah, I know' you giggled.

Taehyung was going to say something but he didn't want to ruin the moment. The boys haven't been able to cheer him up for the past two days, they have such a close relationship he smiled to himself.

'so what do you say, I make you guys dinner?' once Jimin heard that his face lit up, he loves your cooking. 'yess!'

You were cooking and you saw Jin awkwardly standing there wanting to say something. 'hmm?' you hummed 'can I help?' you stopped to look around to see what he can do 'well, can you please peel and cut five onions please.' he nodded and went on with it. Not long after dinner was done, you and Jin high fived each other. 'we make such a great team' you complimented yourselves. 'guys, dinner's ready!' they bolted to the table. 'woah, you made this?' Jungkook complimented 'no, I had help with Jin' you said. 'well, don't just stare dig in'

(longer chapter and different writing style, I just felt like changing it)

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