A rainy day

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Jackie and Chase have gone out for the day and Anti is god knows where so Marvin, Schneep and Jameson decide to have a quiet evening of reading scattered around the living room. Sam however was bored, and wanted to know where the others had gone.

"Tick tock, Tick tock, Tick toc" Sam's little sounds keeping time with the small clock sat on the fireplace. Sam began to nod off slightly and his timing slipped slightly. "Tick tick tock!" Jameson peaked at Sam over his newspaper, but after seeing Sam was fine he returned to reading.

Clearly this wasn't working, so Sam wobbled over to Marvin who was sitting cross legged on the ground. He had what appeared to be a leather bound spell book in his lap. Sam began purring and meowing like a kitten, rubbing against Marvin's leg and arm. All this earned him however was some pats as Marvin kept his eyes on his book.

Beginning to get frustrated Sam settled in the middle of the room and turned to Henrik, who was flipping through pages of what appeared to be a medical study.

"Beep.. Beep.. Beep.. Beep.. Beep.. Beep.." The doctor's eyes narrowed, either something in the paper was concerning or the sound was beginning to annoy him. Either way Sam thought it was progress and continued. "Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep!" However this seemed to stress the poor doctor, perhaps bringing back bad memories. Henrik furrowed his eyebrows and shot a glance at Sam before getting up to make some coffee.

Once again the room was quiet apart from the occasional turning page and the quiet ticking off the clock on the fireplace. Sam sat in the middle of the room bored and frustrated. Jameson was sat on the sofa, reading his newspaper. Henrik was sitting on the armchair closest to the fireplace, reading a medical study. And Marvin was sat cross legged on the ground opposite the armchair. He was reading a spell book, and all was quiet.

The sound that rung through out the quiet room made the three egos freeze. Henrik swore his heart skipped a beat, and with shaking hands he lowered his papers. Marvin sat straight up and watched with concern and Jameson looked over his newspaper, not wanting to fold it for fear of making too much noise. The sound struck fear into the hearts of the three people in the living room and they never wanted to hear it again.

"Y̢ou̕ ca̛ll͢e҉ḑ Sám?͢"

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