The Beginning of it all

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'If you can't get someone off your mind, pray for them. You may be the only one that cares enough to do so.'-Carrie Bradshaw.
You can listen to Reckless love by Cory Asbury as you read!🌸
Charles' POV

"Ahh..", I yawn loudly for the third time, standing up from my bed. I walk to my restroom and wash my face and I am awake fully. I walk to my bed as I pat my face with a towel and I pick my phone to find out how long I have slept. I realize that I have slept for 2 hours and I scroll through my phone for any notifications. I see a notification on my iMessage and open it. I see a message from an unknown number and I uninterestingly read it. I blink my eyes twice as I wonder if I am hallucinating or not. I read it again and it says the same thing.

'Hello, This is Caitlyn Beckham.'

I remember giving her my complementary card and I smile at the fact that she actually used it.

"Hello. I'm kinda surprised you used the complementary card.", I reply as I move to my living room.
I put on my Tv and scroll through the stations, looking for the best one to watch. I eventually resolve to a sport station, where my favourite team, the Cavaliers is playing and undoubtedly winning. I glance at my phone and I laugh loudly as she replies saying:

'Really, so you think that bad of me? Well, I ain't surprised.'

'Well, who would ever think the Almighty Beckham would try to text someone first?', I say to myself, remembering what happened earlier in the day as I reply saying:

'Not at all, just never thought the Almighty Caitlyn Beckham would have any reason to text me, ever.' 

Charles, I didn't mean to leave you outside that way.', she replies.

I ponder on what to write for few seconds  thinking to myself, 'Should my reply be short? Should it be long?' After few minutes, I reply saying:

'It's no problem. At First, I thought you had said something wrong but now that you tell me, I understand that you have reasons for doing that.'

'Ok,thanks for understanding.', she replies.

'You're welcome. You can talk about it with me if you're okay with it.', I reply hoping she would.

'You don't have to worry. Have a great Saturday.', she replies quickly.

'Obviously. Why would I even think she would want to talk to me about it.', I think to myself as I reply saying:

'You too!'

I drop my phone and move to the living room, hoping to get something for myself in a jiffy without Madam Patterson having to do it. She always calls the kitchen her special place and constantly reminds me that she is the only one who has the right to cook. I know she is only a cook but she has become more than that, she has become more like a second mom for the past 5 years of my life since i moved from the city where my parents live.

I try to make myself some toasts as quick as possible but she comes in and takes off the plug from the wall and we both burst into laughter.

'How many times do i have to tell you to steer clear of my special place?!', she says funnily.

'Well, I have to grow up someday you know? I ain't a baby no more.' She looks at me and feigns thinking about letting me to do my toasts myself and she replies saying:

'Okay....', stressing it for few seconds making me burst into laughter again. She leaves me to do my toasts and when I finish I make a cup of tea too. I sit on the table and eat my little meal sumptuously. I wash my saucer and tea cup
and move back to the living room to continue watching my favourite sport and this time again, I find myself not concentrating as I continue thinking about how my morning with Caitlyn was.

'I wish I could see her again, there is something about her and I can't but wish to know more.', I say to myself aloud as I change the channel to a Christian station.

Phew! I know this is short but don't worry, pinky promise,the next chapter is gonna be longer. I just realized that Charles' POVs are mostly short, while Caitlyn's are otherwise. Do not worry, I'm gonna fix that.

So what do you think abut this chapter?Hoping you enjoyed it.

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Thanks and God bless!

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