13. Lessons

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Gabe is grossing every one out  by telling us about his latest rendezvous with some girl from his math class.

He is making sure that he doesn't leave out any of the crucial details which would have been  fine with us if they weren't so disgusting.

I am only seconds away from washing his tongue out with detergent when Jenna mockingly says, "You know the really amazing thing? It's nobody's goddamn business." 

Before Gabe can reply though we hear  a scream.

It looks like a group  of mean looking girls are troubling a  junior. The poor girl is dripping  wet  from head to toe, I can only  assume  that this happened  to be  the  reason of her high pitched  scream from  earlier. The mean  looking  girls  don't stop at that. They go on to grab  her bag and send all her stuff  flying onto the floor. All the guys at our table stand up    instantaneously to go and help the  junior or so I'm hoping as I never get to find out because a group  of girls in  cheerleader costumes  come   around the corner just then and  intervene to  save her. I hear  them   shouting at the mean girls to  back off. There's a  bit of  insults that   fly around between the two  groups when finally the   meanies leave. The cheerleaders then proceed  to ask the junior girl  if  she's okay and   offer to help her find some  new clothes to change  into while one of  them goes on to retrieve the  girls stuff from the  floor.

"What's  that? I mean I'm  thankful that the girl's okay  and she got   helped but  aren't  cheerleaders supposed to be mean?"  Jenna voices the   exact  thoughts  running through my head.

"Who  told you that? Cheerleader's or  their   friends are nice,  sweet girls.  They are soft spoken,  well-mannered  and  kind. Jocks are outgoing  and fun. They get  along with  everyone. We  don't see anyone  as below us  but  unfortunately we can't  say the same for  the nerds and  geeks.  Those  guys are devils. They  think they are all high and mighty  just  because  they happen to be a  little more smarter. That  bunch holds  the  most  playboys cause  everybody falls for a genius evil  with A's.  It's   horrible. What you  think you know about high schoolers  are all  just   stereotypes that  those movies promote to sell tickets."  Comes    Ace's fast  reply.

I would have very much  liked to contradict him,  to tell  him that  our  previous encounters from  our last school would  like to  object but  it is  too much to take in.  Really? How much  surprises  does Celia  actually  hold?

All our classes up till  now  have been  great. The teachers are really fun. Most people  treat me as  normal as I can be, I am being completely serious  when I  say  this, because just after a few  hours  of me being here, all the  buzz   died down and the students went back  to not giving a shit  about   having me around.

It is true  that high  school and high  schoolers   are the epitome of weird and  unpredictable.

Above all, at the  end   believe it or not, Jenna and I have made   friends with some  very  nice  and fun to be around jocks and  cheerleaders.  They took us  right  in. Sarah, Anna,  Gabe,  Stanley, Ace are all great,  funny and smart. I can feel myself  playing some part in   this group of  tight knit  friends already, like I have known them  for  years and  not just a  day. It is clear  that we are going to  stick  together for a  while.

So maybe just maybe this isn't so  bad after all. Maybe  the king  was  right. Maybe he knew what  he was  doing for me. Wow! It is hard  to admit  that. Sigh!

On the way home, I call my parents and my mom picks up. I tell her about my day while Jenna adds comments here and there in the background.

"Where's dad?" I finally ask.

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