Chapter One: Intro

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  • Věnováno Everyone who's ever acted on Doctor Who

Don't blame me if the medical bits Martha does aren't that detailed or accurate. I haven't been through medical school, sorry.

Hope you enjoy! :)


"Where to now?" The Doctor asked, that maniac light in his bright blue eyes.

I, Martha Jones, was a time traveler with the Doctor, an alien Timelord from a planet called Gallifrey, the last of his kind. His time machine, from the outside, was a blue London police box from the 1960s, but on the inside, it was huge. Shaped like a teardrop, copper walls studded with lights rose around us, leaning into a center collumn, light brown with glowing blue tubes within. When the TARDIS (standing for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space) was driving, the tubes would go up and down, and the control panel was used to drive the device. As for now, the TARDIS was parked in an alley somewhere in London, near the hospital I used to work at before I met the Doctor.

As for now though... where did I want to go?

"I dunno... Anywhere!" I say, grinning back at him.

Suddenly the light in his eyes grew into an excited wildfire. "Oh, I know something you'll enjoy, alright."

He reached to pull the lever that would start the TARDIS, but the thing took off on its own.

Quickly, we grabbed onto the console. TARDIS rides could be very rough indeed, being tossed and turned in every way through time and space, but this was different. It was like we were shooting directly upwards; we were being thrown to the floor. I noticed the Doctor manage to turn on the monitor, which would show us where we were going. He looked up at it, then emitted a sharp, "What?"

I made my way over to him. The readings were impossible to read- they were in Gallifreyian, after all- but he seemed confused. That was never good; his IQ was far superior to any human's. "What is it?"

"It's like the TARDIS is taking us somewhere..." he said, still staring up at the screen, gears in his head turning at full speed. "That's just... no. She never does that. It's never this urgent. She'll mess us up, try to lead us her direction, but she never just takes off..."

If times had been better, I would have rolled my eyes at the Doctor for calling the TARDIS a "she." But now wasn't exactly the time for that. "What... Where is it taking us?"

He looked up at the screen, reading it again. "It's locked onto someone's DNA..."  then his eyes widened. "No..."

If I wasn't worried before, I certainly was now. "What is it?"

"That DNA... It's the DNA of-"

He was interrupted by an abrupt landing. The pressure from above was gone, and we fell to the ground. He stood up, still looking at the readings.

"Doctor," I asked, serious. "What type of DNA is it?"

He gave the screen one last look. "It's like... a hybrid. It's like... half human, half Timelord."

My eyes widened. The Doctor's planet, Gallifrey, had long been destroyed by the Daleks, a race of robot hybrids with feelings only of hatred, bloodlust, and powerthirst. A hybrid Timelord meant trouble for sure; the Doctor wasn't exactly popular among the survivors, who had been trapped in a rift in time (which did count as dying, since they didn't really exist.)

I opened the doors and walked outside. It looked like we were in England, wherever we were. The sky was cloudy, the ground was wet, and the air had that metallic smell it always does after it rains.

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