Chapter Three: Last Knight of Cydonia (trying Matt's POV)

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  • Dedicated to Dedicated to Dom Howard

Matt Bellamy, if you're reading this, I am very, very sorry. You are now one of my characters. So this probably won't be too accurate but yea.

PS: I based the relation between Matt and his songs off of me and my stories. ;)

PPS: On the title? I don't know either. xD


That day at lunch, I grudgingly returned to room 104, where Mr. Smith had been teaching science class.

It was pointless, explaining my urge to write music to teachers. People just didn't get it. It wasn't like I wanted to write music, it was that I had to. I would get these ideas in my head I just had to write down, like a poet and their poetry, or a novelist and their novels. You don't think about writing the song, you think about how you feel and let the tune flow through you like a river.

When I arrived at the room, I noticed him and his "companion," whom he had introduced as Ms. Jones, muttering quietly to each other. They were the same people I had seen yesterday, when I had heard the screaming. The girl was Martha with her strange clothes, and the man was the Doctor, with his blue buzzing pen-thing, who had shoved me into a crate and told me aliens were after me.

My name meant something to them. I was someone they had heard of, and, by the looks of it, possibly looked up to or admired. I didn't know how I felt about that. Maybe they were mad, but the school would never hire a madman and his helper as subsitute teachers.

After a few minutes of speculation, the Mr. Smith noticed me hovering shyly outside the door.

"Ah, Matt!" he called gleefully. "Come on in."

I walked over to my seat and sat down. Whatever he wanted, I was ready for it.

"Matt, about the aliens yesterday..."

Okay, I take it back. This I was not ready for, not in the least. But I could handle it.

"Have you ever felt... different from your peers?"

I nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Oh, don't adress me as 'sir,' it's silly." He made a face of exasperation, then pulled over a chair and sat down. He mumbled something that sounded a lot like, "Humans," then continued questioning me. "What about you do you think is different?"

Billions of ideas popped into my head, but I couldn't tell him. Whoever this "Doctor" was, he couldn't know. Instead I stated the obvious: "They all seem like idiots."

For a second I was worried he would punish me, but he simply nodded. "Yeah, they kinda do..."

I grinned. Finally, someone understood my pain!

"But... is there anything else? Have you ever felt... out of place?"

I nodded. "All the time."

"Why? What makes you think you don't belong?"

I closed my eyes. Ten years ago, when I was barely five, my father had told me the stories of his home world. How when he was the age I was then, he had watched his entire world go up in flames. Every dream, every friend, every relative, everything he had ever known, just... gone.

At first I didn't believe him, but then he showed me inside his time machine. From the outside, it looked like a normal car, a beat-up car we never drove. But on the inside sat a spaceship, a cavernous control room. It was bigger on the inside.

My parents were divorced now, though. They had never really said why, but one day a few months before, I noticed the car had moved. Maybe my father had finally given up... Timelords have twelve lives, and never age. Maybe he had realized that while she could spend the rest of her time with him, he could never spend the rest of his with her...


I looked up, remembering the Mr. Smith and Ms. Jones. I realized I had fallen into a daze. "Sowwy. Why I don't belong?"

He nodded. Now he looked even more interested in me than before.

"It's just..." I fumbled. "I never feel at home. I mean, I just moved here, but it's more than that. It's like I'm... nothing feels wight."

That part, at least, was true. I was constantly on the edge, and I felt out of place, the odd one out. But the rest of the class, they couldn't know. They could never know how I had two hearts, how sometimes I had freaky moments where my intelligence would spark to superhuman standards. How I had almost unlimited strength, agility, and energy compared to them. But they also couldn't know how much I longed to see the rest of the universe, to reach up and touch the stars. It was beyond them. They would never understand.

"One more thing-"

"Actually, Doctor, may I interrupt?" Ms. Jones asked, walking over. Mr. Smith looked at her and stepped back.

"Matt... that music you were writing in class... does it hold any sort of meaning to you?"

I stared at her, trying to see where she was going with this. Mr. Smith frowned at her. "Martha, no."

"I'm just curious!" she exclaimed.

"It's... just... a vent... like a journal, I guess... a journal without words..."

She nodded. "Ah."

Mr. Smith stepped forward again, cutting Ms. Jones off from anything else she might say. "Back to our original discussion-" (Ms. Jones looked slightly exasperated) "Does the name 'Gallifrey' hold any meaning to you?"

Gallifrey. The word echoed in my mind. The planet with orange skies, where my father was from. The planet that had died in the Time War, causing my father to flee to Earth.

I looked up at him. "What are you-"

"I didn't intend to come here, Matt," he said, taking out his pen thing. "My time machine took me here. She never does that. Can you guess why?"

My eyes widened. "No. Stop it."

"My time machine locked onto your DNA. I don't know why, it just did. When we heard that boy scream-"

"His name was Dom," Ms. Jones interrupted.

"Dom, right. When we heard him scream, we ran to it. Martha, over here, relocated his shoulder and tried to calm him while I scanned the area for signs of inhuman life. Do you know what I found?"

I looked away from him. He could never know. "Stop it!!!"

"I found signs of two beings. One was Sotaran, the police who scanned the area. But the other species was dalek."

I closed my eyes. The Daleks, who had destroyed Gallifrey. "No..."

"And I'm very sorry, Matt, but I while I don't think the police were any harm, I have reasons to believe the Daleks that are after you."

My brain was whirling. This man... he was impossible. He could look at me, and he knew everything. He was more than a teacher. He was a brilliant man. Too brilliant.

He was like me.

"I'm sorry, Matt. I'm so, so sorry."

"We can help you," Ms. Jones added, looking at me sadly.

"No," I said, backing away. "Go away. Just... just leave me alone!!!"

And with that, I raced from the room.


How did I do? This was my first time ever trying a real person's POV, I have reasons to be nervous :3

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