Chapter Five: Time Is Running Out (Mainly Martha's POV)

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  • Dedicated to Musers everywhere

Have no fear, I didn't (DID NOT) name this chapter for the music video. (I didn't do so for any of them, really.)



"WHAT'S GOING ON?!?!?" Matt shouted above the groaning noise of the TARDIS.

"You're traveling through time!" I say, grinning excitedly.

For a second he stared at me in disbelief, then his eyes widened. "No...."

The Doctor flung himself around to me. "Martha, the two other members of the band... What are their names?"

"Chris Wolstenholme and Dom Howard," I told him, trying not to let Matt overhear.

"Do you think that these two hotspots could be their houses?" he asked, motioning to the scanner.

My eyes widened. This was already bigger than I had imagined.

"One of them might be Dom, since he was attacked and has seen the Sontarans, but I really don't see why they would need Chris..."

"Are they their houses?!?"

"I don't know!"

He grabbed onto a pulleyish thing and pulled, sending the TARDIS spiraling in another direction, presumably towards one of the boys' houses.


Dom had been practicing with his new drum set since he got home from school.

He couldn't do much, since he was still injured and tired quickly, but he loved it. It was like freeing his mind.

But then he heard something from downstairs.

"Mum?" he shouted, opening the door. In response, his mom screamed.

"WHERE IS DOMINIC HOWARD?" something shouted. No... not shouted. Its voice was metallic, like that of a robot. His eyes widened. More aliens.

When his mom stayed silent, the alien machine thing repeated its question. "WHERE IS DOMINIC HOWARD?"

"I... I don't know!!! I think he's in his room..."

It broke his heart, hearing his mom's voice quaking with fear.

"Please don't hurt him!!!" she cried, as the thing came into view.

"HE WILL BE TAKEN FOR PROCESSING!!!" it stated. It seemed emotionless, yet... alive.

Suddenly, a strange groaning noise erupted from his room. He turned around to see a blue box thing materializing in his room. More of the aliens were here, trying to kidnap him.

But when the door opened, it wasn't who he was expecting.

Standing in the doorway was the lady who had saved him that one night. Her brown eyes seemed warm and inviting, yet hardened at the same time. Her face was panic striken, and she held her hand out urgently.

"Get in!" she commanded, and he followed her word.

She grabbed his hand and flung him in. That split second of holding onto her hand seemed to last forever, and when it ended, it lingered. He would have called it beautiful, but then he shook his head of shaggy blond hair. What was he thinking?


Chris was bored out of his mind.

He lay on his bed, basking in boredom. There was nothing to do. His family was mostly downstairs, but he wanted to be alone for the time being.

To tell the truth, he didn't really feel safe. Lately, he had always had the feeling he was being watched.

Suddenly an explosion erupted from downstairs. He burst out of his room, wondering if something had gone seriously wrong making dinner. He stopped halfway down the stairs, staring in terror at the... thing before him.

It was a robot; that much was obvious. It had the general shape of a deformed saltshaker, the front stretching out a bit further than the rest. Three rods emerged from it, two from the front, almost like arms, and one near the top, like a camera. One of its arms appeared to be a suction cup, the other a wire thing that he didn't want to think of what it could do.

"WHERE IS CHISTOPHER WOLSTENHOLME?" it demanded. Its voice was metallic, so metallic he was distracted by it, and it took a few seconds for the words to register.

It wanted him.

"I... I think he's upstairs..." one of his siblings squeaked. For a second he felt betrayal, at their immediate following of the robot's orders, but then he realized he couldn't really blame them; judging by the smoking hole in the wall, at least one of those rods was very dangerous indeed.

The robot proceeded upstairs. He stared in fear, then bolted back to his room, closing and locking the door. He leaned on the back of it, not knowing what was going on. Maybe this was a prank, but it probably wouldn't involve exploding the front door off its hinges if it was.

Suddenly he heard a strange groaning sound erupting from the corner near his closet. He looked over to see some sort of blue box thing emerging from thin air, materializing in his bedroom. When the doors opened, a strange man stood there, wearing a blue suit and a brown jacket.

"Come with me," he said, his brown eyes hard with what seemed like centuries of pain.

He stood up slowly, then heard the thing outside his room shout, "CHRISTOPHER WOLSTENHOLME, YOU WILL COME WITH ME!!!" and explode his sister's bedroom. Suddenly the reality of the situation struck him. There was a robot outside his door, and it wanted to kidnap him, and would kill anything that got in its way.

He ran to the man, ran into the blue box. What he saw inside, however, made him pause in his fear;

it was bigger on the inside.


I looked over at the three boys. It was strange, how different their reactions were. Matt was scared, very scared- he knew the Daleks' power, after all- but he hadn't lost his mind; part of him was still thinking, strategizing. Chris was like Matt, but he looked close to insanity. He was the only one here who had never seen an alien before, so it had shaken him the most of all. Dom looked worried, but mostly, he looked slightly swoony, which worried me. I really did not need another Shakespeare.

Though he was kind of cute. I gave him that. But it wasn't cute as in, hot sort of cute, but more as in, young sort of cute. At this age, obviously.

"So, we've saved the boys," I said, grabbing onto the Doctor's arm for balance. "So... what now?"

"I'm scanning for the dalek ships, but I still haven't found any. It's like they're hiding in plain sight. I don't get it. Where are-"

And with that, the TARDIS pulled on us again.

The boys yelled, falling in all directions. I heard Dom yell out in pain, having probably landed on one of his many injuries. "What was that?" I shouted, regaining my balance as I got used to the momentum.

The Doctor was staring at the scanner. "The TARDIS thinks we're still parked. That's bad. Veeeerry bad."

My eyes widened. "Do you think-"

"Yes, Martha. I think they've found us."

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