Chapter Two: Map Of the Problemattique

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  • Dedicated to Matt Bellamy :)

Okay, I admit. I have no idea what the heck Map of the Problemattique actually has to do with this chapter. So ya. :/


The next day, as it turns out, was a Wednesday. The Doctor somehow managed to get a job at Matt's school as a subsitute teacher, which could be bad news. I had seen him teach once, and that was as a human to hide from some aliens. Looooong story, but in the end, I was glad he didn't stay a teacher or a human.

But now the Doctor was teaching as a Timelord. This should be interesting, I thought, sitting at the back of the classroom as his "helper."

I sat in the back of the classroom on a table and watched as the room filled with students. It was obvious who the popular kids were, and the bullies, as all the other kids tended to avoid them. I noticed when Matt walked in, most of the other kids tended to stare at him. He recognised me and the Doctor almost immediately, and for a second he looked like he wanted to run, then calmed down slightly and took a seat near the back of the left side of the classroom.

As soon as the classroom was full, the Doctor stood up, put his hands together, and said, "Physics! Physicsphysicsphysicsphysicsphysics. I like physics. Fascinating science. Now, where were we yesterday?"

Some of the kids snickered at his energy. Someone mumbled, "Page 146," boredly.

The Doctor, however, seemed indifferent to the child's boredom. "Page 146 then! Let's see what you were learning about there..." He grabbed a textbook off the teacher's desk and flipped it open to what I presumed was page 146. "Aah! Momentum! Should be fascinating." I noticed Matt roll his eyes and start to take what from a distance could pass as notes, but looked more poetic than normal physics notes.

Time passed, and the Doctor lectured the kids on the physics of momentum. Some of them looked interested, but most just looked bored. I looked back over at Matt to see him writing what looked like music, having given up looking like he was actually taking notes (though I guess, in a sense, he was writing down "notes.") As the Doctor passed by Matt's seat, he glanced at the paper, seeing the music written there.

"And what do we have here?"

Matt looked up at him, and quickly put away the sheet of paper. "I-it's nothing, sir. I'm sorry. I'll get back to notes now."

"Good, good..."

The Doctor trailed away, then whispered in Matt's ear, "See me during lunch."

At this, a mixture of fear and anger flared in his eyes. Obviously, he thought he was in trouble. "Yes, sir."

"Now, back to our previous discussion..."

The rest of the class was rather uneventful, though I did catch Matt drawing from time to time. The other members of the class doodled as well, though, but none of their drawings were like Matt's. While they drew flowers and hearts, or guitars and band logos, Matt sketched aliens and spaceships, supernovas and black holes. While the other kids dreamed of being famous, by the looks of his paper, he dreamed of seeing the rest of the universe, planets of silver and cities of song, beings of lava and ice, and plants made of steel.

I remembered, for a second, how when I first met the Doctor, I was rather like him. I wanted to be a doctor, to help people, but I wanted to see something beyond Earth. I wanted to be able to reach up and touch the other side of space and time. As a Muser, Matt had always seemed so distant, so far away, but looking at him as a child, maybe we weren't so different at all.

The bell rang, and I noticed Matt was the first one out of the room. The rest of the class followed, taking their time to pack their backpacks, not wanting to go to their next class.

The Doctor walked over to me and mumbled in my ear, "He seems like a good kid, I don't know why everyone thinks he's weird..."

"Welcome to high school," I told him, rolling my eyes.


Next chapter I want to try writing from Matt's POV for some of it. Yeah, I'm gonna do that.

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