Chapter Seven: Escape

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  • Dedicated to Morgan Nicholls

This is probably the first chapter (besides Intro) where the title actually fits the plot well.



Chaos broke out. The forcefields around the boys were deactivated, and immediately they took to running wildly around the room. The Doctor shouted "WHAT?!?" and soniced his and my forcefields, bringing them down as well. The Dalek turned to face Matt, who raised his head and gave it a look of cold defiance.

"Now, I may have just met these guys," he said, stepping forward, "but I'm not just going to let them die."


At this, he raised his eyebrows. "You see, whether you like it or not, I've got you all figured out." A grin took over his face. "You can't feel emotions; you want to see wether or not they 'enhance' people, hold any sort of meaning. Therefore, you were ordered to take us here to be questioned, by some sort of scientific leader. Now my question is, why did you chose us? If we're weally going to be famous, which I can't say for sure (though it does make sense), why not just wait until then when you can question us about what our music means to us?"

He waited for an answer. When there was none, his grin turned from playful to mischevious. "The answer is, you're afwaid." (Here I grinned at his cute pronounciation again. I noticed Chris and Dom give him weird looks.) "You're afwaid of music, because you don't understand its power. Unable to understand emotion, you don't know what it's like to be able to put in a CD and feel someone else's thoughts and feelings. You can be told them, but no matter how hard you twy, you just can't. It's beyond you. You want to know if it enhances us, because you're scared of it. Because if it enhances us, we could gwow stwonger than you."

"Dude, can you please talk normally?" Dom said. Matt, in response, gave him a nice, cold glare.

"I pwonounce words like this," he grumbled, "wether you like it or not."

After a few moments' silence, he continued. "Continuing with our owiginal discussion. You know that while you're stwong, you're weak. Unable to weason, your only option is to fight. And you're vewy good at fighting, I'll give you that. You're physically invincible, armed with a blaster that can exterminate almost any living being, a suction cup that can suck out a being's bwain waves, and spaceships stwong enough to destwoy even Gallifwey. But you can't change your mind. You can't feel emotiones like sadness, or pity, or love, maybe." He paused, to let his words sink in. "And how do those help you? They give you an edge, a need for wevenge. For example, when you love someone, and they die, you feel sad. This sadness often amounts to anger at whatever killed them, and at least part of you wants them to die, even if you never make it happen." He grinned. "That, Mr. Dalek, is how emotions enhance the beings they affect."

The dalek examined him, and seemed to decide his argument was legit.


Matt bowed his head and grinned. "Thank you."


His smile dissapeared immediately. "Wait, wha-?"



The black dalek turned to see a dull silver one leading a fourth child into the questioning room. He looked scared. Suddenly I felt bad. There was a fourth member, though he was rarely mentioned, and I had forgotten his name-


The kid being led by the Dalek turned and saw Chris. "Chris!" he shouted, running over.

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