Chapter 4

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Reader's POV

"Uh-oh. Itona absolutely despises studying..." Shiro laugh as if it was the most funniest thing in the world. "And lecturing a child who hates to study could unleash genocide!"

The tentacles of Itona suddenly turned black.

"Y/n! Watch out!" I heard Korosensei calling out but it was too late for me to do anything.

Itona suddenly charged at multiple directions, hitting me in an instant. I flew backwards and landed something on soft. I look down to see Korosensei's tentacles wrap around me.

"I'm strong. These tentacles made me stronger than all the rest." Itona said as both of his eyes turned redder than before. "All the rest!"

The rest might not be able to see it but I saw right through it. In Itona's eyes, there's loneliness in them and it made me want to comfort him and support him in anyway. Even though this was the second time that he'd hurt me, somehow, I still want to be there for him. To be a guiding light for him.

Itona then charged towards Korosensei at full speed. In a blink of an eye, Itona was down the ground, unconscious. No one had seen it coming and no one even manage to see what happened.

"Apologies Korosensei. It seems this boy wasn't yet mentally prepared for school." We all look to Shiro, who have his hand extended out and a smoke coming out from it. 

It was that time when we realise that Shiro had shot Itona.

You monster!

Shiro pick Itona up and said some things about how Itona wasn't prepared for school. Korosensei tried stopping him but when he touch his clothes, his tentacles exploded. I watch as Itona was getting away unconsciously. Without even thinking, I charged towards Shiro.

"Let. Him. Go!" I shouted and was about to punch him, but Nagisa stop me.

"Y/n, that's enough." Nagisa whispered to me and I glared at Shiro.

"Say young lady, why do you like to save... someone like him?" Shiro ask me and I widen my eyes.

"Someone... like him?" I question.

"Yes. You saw what he can do and found out that he's a brother of the teacher that you're trying to kill. So in other word, he's a monster. So why bother saving someone like him?"

I bowed my head and let my bangs cover my eyes and clench my hand into a fist.

"He's not the monster..." I trailed off then look up, locking my eyes into his. "You're  the monster Shiro!"

I saw him widening his eyes.

"How could you shoot a child and call him a monster afterwards?! Just what kind of a guardian are you anyway?! Now let him go!" I demanded and he turned around.

"Don't worry; he'll be back before long. After all, March is just around the corner so I'll take the task of tutoring him at home." He started walking away and I wanted to go after him, but Nagisa wouldn't let me.

After they were exited the room, I look outside the broken window on where Korosensei had thrown Itona and watch as Shiro walk away with Itona on his shoulder. He then stop and look behind him, making eye contact with me.

I grit my teeth to force myself not to attack him that moment. That's when I decided.

I will get stronger to be able to protect those people who are important to me! I must get stronger! Stronger than Karma! Stronger than Itona! Even better, stronger than... Shiro.

After the class, we all saw Karasuma-sensei and ask him if he can teach us more assassination skill to be much stronger. Everybody knows that the government will keep sending someone who are much stronger and talented than us and this is why we are determined to learn and improve our talent and skills.

----Mini time skip----

I stared up the ceiling as my mind wander off to Itona.

He seems... so lonely. I wonder why he wants to eliminate Korosensei that much and... I wonder if he ever have friends before

Itona's POV

I woke up in the same lab that I was being experimented in.

"I guess I need to upgrade you into something much more powerful." Shiro said as he injected me with the same liquid as before.

Pain shoots throughout my body and I scream as if there was no tomorrow. It hurts so much that I wanted someone to help me. My mind then wander off to Y/n.

She tried helping me before...

I remember how she took off the dried skin off of me and offered me a hand...

She wasn't afraid of me...

Instead of running away from me, she even talk to me...

She even defended me...

She didn't want me to get hurt...

But why on earth would she do something like that?

She was also willing to risk her life for me...

But why?

Didn't she see what I'm capable of?

I'm... a monster...

"By the way, that h/c girl who tried defending you, she tried taking you back to join the class but I didn't let her. I mean, she is stupid after all. She won't be able to force you to join the stupid class, they're not for your level." Shiro said and I widen my eyes but didn't show him.

She... actually cares about me? But why? Why bother for someone... like me?

"Oh, so you've endured the pain now? Interesting." Shiro said and I also realise that the excruciating pain that I had before was gone. "It only proves that your body is getting stronger and stronger but... I want you to avoid that Y/n. I feel like she's going to be a nuisance to you."

I grit my teeth as soon as he said that.

"Understood?" He tried verifying as soon as I didn't reply.

I bowed my head and let my bangs cover my eyes.

"I will, Shiro." I said but didn't really mean it.

It's like, I wanted to get closer to Y/n even more.

Even Monsters Can LOVE(Itona x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now