Chapter 6

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That's when I realise that Itona might have been warning me for this. He showed up earlier so I won't be part of whatever he was planning.

Itona, are you still trying to prove that you're stronger than Korosensei?

When we caught up with everybody, I saw that Korosensei's tentacles were swollen and he was now versing Itona. Teresaka soon showed up and ask Karma what he can do about it.

When Teresaka successfully got Itona to hold on his shirt, Itona sneeze like a little five year old.

He looks so cu- wait, what am I even talking about?

Not long after, the whole class, except me, started splashing water towards Itona. The tentacles of Itona started to swollen and I took this time to go down a rock to where he can see me. His eyes travelled around the place before it landed on me. Somehow, I saw that he was thankful of something as soon as he saw me.

"Now I will ask you once again Itona, please join our class." Korosensei said and Itona hasn't taken his eyes off me.

It was as if his eyes was telling me to beg him to stay but I didn't. He has to choose for his own will and not let others tell him what to do.

"Itona, let's go." Shiro said and Itona widen his eyes.

It was like he wanted to stay but was getting force to follow his cruel guardian.

"Itona!" Shiro called again and Itona sigh.

He jump beside Shiro and spared me one last glance before disappearing from sight.

Itona, why do you let someone manipulate you like that?

-----Time skip to where the class went to an island and someone got sick so now you're all climbing a rock-----

"Hey Y/n! Want to race?" Karma ask me.

"Hmmm, what's the catch?" I question as I knew that everytime he ask me to compete with him, there's always a price at the end.

"How about..." He trailed off and an evil smirk was shown on his face, indicating that the price he's thinking is much worse than the ones he have.

Oh no, now I'm getting worried

"The loser gets to be the servant of the winner for a whole week." He finished and I felt my breathing stop for a moment.

If I accept his challenge, there is a chance that I will lose and would be humiliated by him for a week! If I don't accept his challenge, he'll still humiliate me more and tell me how coward I could be for not accepting his challenge.

"Alright, fine. But another rule is you can't order the loser to do inappropriate stuff." I added and he frown.

"That's sad, I was already thinking of you doing something like that~" He smirk and I gave him a disapproval look.

I knew it!

"Don't even count on it. Now are you in or not?" I ask him and he shrug.

"Fine, I accept your challenge. Just don't cry when you lose." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"As if I would let you win." I started the countdown and now the two of us are racing up the mountains like crazy.

The others were looking at us as if we have somewhere to go but we only pass them. I was losing though but I didn't give up. I tried speeding up. No matter how much I tried though, I still failed. In the end, he won.

"Geesh, you really didn't hold back." I told him as he offered a hand and pulled me up away from the edge.

"I guess I really wanted to order you around is all." He stick his tongue out and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I huff and sigh in defeat as I knew that he have won... again.

"And that's 67 for me and 21 for you. Try and catch up will ya?" He gave me another of his signature smirk and I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Slow down will ya?" I fire back and he shrug.

"I guess I'm too good for you~" Here he goes again. "You can't take my awesomeness can't you?"

"Oh yes of course not! You are by far the most awesome person I have ever met!" I said sarcastically and he raise an eyebrow.

"That sounds fake." He sigh and I chuckled.

"Whatever red boy." 

Not long after, the rest of the class arrived. We all entered the building and got to the first floor. Miss Jelavich took care of all the people and we went to second floor where we have to face another guy. 

-----Time skip to Nagisa's fight since we already know what happened-----

I was amaze at how Nagisa had defeated Takaoka once again. Even Karma was shock at his skill. In the end, we got the cure and went home.

"What a day!" I moan as I plop down on my bed and immediately fall to sleep.

The next day, I was waken up by something or someone tapping on my window. I shot up from my seat to look who it was and it was none other than Korosensei.

What in the world is he doing here?! He interrupted my beauty sleep!

"You coming here better be important!" I yelled as I opened the window, making Korosensei fall.

He then went back up to face me.

"There's a festival tonight and I'm inviting you to come." He said with tears on his eyes.

"Fine! Just don't ever disturb me from my sleep ever again!" I slammed the window shut, making him fall again.

I went back on my bed to sleep but failed. I then felt my phone vibrate so I lazily reach for it and saw Karma just messaged me.

'Yo! Are you coming at the festival?!'

'I don't have anything to do today so why not?'

'Cool, see you there. :P'

I did my daily routines and plan to go to the shopping mall to buy a kimono. I was now at the kimono place when suddenly, I saw a familiar light blue hair at the corner.

Is that... Itona?

Itona's POV

We have another plan on assassinating the Octopus. I went through another excruciating pain of torture and got my tentacles upgraded. All we have to do is wait for the right timing to lure the Octopus on our trap.

Even Monsters Can LOVE(Itona x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora