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A way to explain the word "time" would be "the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole," which is the definition of the word, from the generous google dictionary. It's a simple word, with a simple meaning, but it might just seem like a normal and not a 'stressful' word to most human beings. Time itself however, can be quite stressful and dreading. It's a counter that never ends, it goes up and down. As mentioned, time itself is stressful, but it's even more stressful if you can just look at your wrist and see how much time you got left on this earth.

Taehyung didn't like the fact that his timer said he only got one year, twenty seven days, eight hours, five minutes and fifty seconds left to live. At least, that's what he assumed it meant, but the twenty two, almost twenty three, year old can't exactly confirm that. He hasn't heard about anyone else who had this ability, so he thinks it'll be for the better if he doesn't mention it to anyone, since Taehyung doesn't wants to sound like a maniac. There's also another reason he doesn't want to mention the ability to other people, which is that he's able to see everyone else's timer as well. He's sure that the individuals who found out about this ability, or rather curse, would ask him how much time they had left.

Or they would just treat him like a said maniac.

Everything in Taehyung's life was going, arguably, well, until he reached the age of eighteen. Eighteen is the age where you present as an alpha, beta or omega and he presented as an alpha. He wasn't too shocked, because he knew he wasn't exactly an omega, but the bleached blonde college student thought he would end up as a beta for some reason. Anyway, the point is that when he woke up that day he also woke up with a number, or timer on his left wrist. Taehyung had never heard about it before and mentioned it briefly to his parents, to see if they got any answers for him.

They just thought he acted extra weird, as a result of the fact that he recently presented and some people might act a bit differently afterwards. The young alpha didn't think he acted any differently though. Taehyung didn't think too much about the mysterious, or just weird timer on his wrist, until he met his grandmother again.

He saw the same timer on his dear grandmother's cheek and it said one day, one hour, twenty five minutes and two seconds. He didn't know how to feel about that, since it's the first time that he noticed a timer on someone else. Less than two days later, Taehyung's family got a call from his grandfather.

His grandmother died.

After this happened, he decided that he hates this weird clock, but he always feels a bit stressed out that it says "six years" on his clock and that it's just counting down by every second. That's when Taehyung asked himself a question, that is both depressing and it's a question he never thought he would ask himself either "Am I going to die in six years?" was the question, a question that he'll never know the truth of, before it actually happens.

The past five years, he has managed to calm himself down, because he can't confirm that it's a timer to his death. Even though Taehyung is certain that the clock is what he think it is, however he has also tried to stay away from people with who got a small amount of time on their timer. The college student doesn't want to feel a connection to someone and then just lose them.

Taehyung is an art student, in his second year, since after high school he decided to take a break for two years. He didn't wanna waste all his time left on school, if he's in fact going to die soon. After he actually started college though, he wished he started earlier, because of a certain individual in his class.

Jeon Jungkook, twenty one years old and also an alpha.

Ever since the two started in the same art class and photography class, they've annoyed the fuck out of each other, but that's not the worst part, since Taehyung can deal with Jungkook during classes. However, when their second year started, the school decided to put the two of them in the same dorm room as well. Taehyung's theory to this is because they got nearly all the same classes and both of them are alphas. On top of that, both of them aren't really one of the party kids and they like to just stay in their room most of the time.

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