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Taehyung opens his eyes, trying his best to not fall asleep again as he sits up in his bed. Something the young college student would do every morning, is checking his wrist, just hoping the weird counter would disappear or see if some numbers got added to the weird clock at least. None of these things happened this morning either, the only thing he saw was "2 months, 15 days, 17 hours, 2 minutes and 33 seconds" aka yet a disappointment. Because of this counter, he feels like he would be too cruel to himself if he made jokes like "I wanna die."

That's one of his smaller issues though.

When Taehyung finally managed to stand up from the bed, he took of his clothes, everything but his underwear. He found some clean clothes from his closet and walked to the bathroom. Even though he lives with another boy who annoys the fuck out of him, Taehyung doesn't worry about walking in just his underwear in the morning, cuz the younger boy always leave earlier than Taehyung. However, today was a turn of event, since when he walked out of his bedroom, he heard—

"Why the fuck are you naked?!" the voice made Taehyung startle a little, because he didn't except to be yelled at so early in the morning. He looks at the boy in front of him, with an annoyed expression, but the said boy had already covered his eyes with his hand.

"Jungkook, I'm not naked what the fuck? I'm wearing underwear! Stop being a childish brat," the older says "but what are you doing here? You're never here at this hour, which is why I'm walking in just my underwear, if you were wondering." Even though Taehyung explained himself, Jungkook's "disturbed" expression didn't change, however his red cheeks didn't disappear either. "Stop eye fucking me."

By this comment, the younger looked away "I'm not even attracted to you, and isn't that even impossible? So, why would I even 'eye fuck' you or whatever?!" he asks quite irritated.

"An alpha can be attracted to another alpha—"

"Quit the tumblr bullshit, Kim."

"You look more like a tumblr kid than me, Jeon Jungkook. Do some research, before you call love for bullshit."

"Love? I talked about fucking attraction, and if you think it's also normal for two alphas to love each other... You're weirder than a thought," Jungkook says, although by his body language and his expression, it looked like he didn't believe what he said himself. Taehyung didn't think about those small details and just decided to throw some hands.

"Jeon, get your head out of your ass, it's not the 1950s anymore. An alpha doesn't have to only be attracted to an omega or love one!" the older rolls his eyes as he says this, also pushing Jungkook to the side while walking towards the bathroom "I hope Luna will fuck up everything for you and your mate will be a fucking alpha, for you to understand it!"

Taehyung has no idea why he suddenly got so worked up about the situation, since he has never dated an alpha or even thought about doing so. He has seen some alphas he's been attracted to, but nothing serious at all. His theory as to why he got so mad, was because it sounded like Jungkook said all of that, just to disagree with him, not because he really meant it.

A while later, when Taehyung finally got dressed and such, he walked to his classroom. As soon as he got in, the art student sat down on his seat and only minutes later, the teacher entered the room as well. When all the students became quiet, the teacher became speaking "Good morning everyone! Not rush things, but I'm just gonna jump in and tell you what we'll be doing for the next four weeks!" the teacher, or Mrs.Park says with a hint of enthusiasm in her voice "We're gonna have a new art project, but this time it'll be a group project!"

Taehyung didn't know how to feel about that, since last time they had a group project, Mrs.Park thought it was a good idea to put Taehyung and Jungkook in the same group. It ended up being a mess and they couldn't work together, so they got a really bad grade.

"Okay, the first group will be Kim Taehyung and Jeon J—"

"Mrs.Park, I'm sorry, but did you—"

"Don't interrupt me, Jungkook."


"The first group will be Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook."

This time Taehyung decided to say something "Don't you remember how bad we were last time? We got a really bad grade, so why—"

"I know you'll do good this time, because of last time. Your grade last time might motivate you two to work together, since I know you two can do something good with your art skills."

Both of the two alphas know they're fucked though, like really fucked.

so far it's pretty boring and basic, but hopefully it'll get better 🗿🗿

sorry for spelling or grammar mistakes 😪🤙 I was too lazy to look for mistakes again :)

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sorry for spelling or grammar mistakes 😪🤙 I was too lazy to look for mistakes again :)

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