beautiful -Eminem

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Today I was going to kill myself, But before you pretend to care ask yourself if you did'nt know me and I killed myself  would'nt the star's still disappear? would'nt the sun go down at the end of the day? would'nt you be happy ? .

So now lets just try this again, I refused to keep going, why would I ?,because you said I have to , for my 'family' , my 'friends' or because there is people fighting for their life and im just throwing my room. How is me being alive when I DONT WANT TO BE, helping the in the slightest? Id give them my health.. And I would be helping so many people if I died, At least they can have my heart..I've discarded it because im sick of it , I dont want it. Im done. were your sitting what ive said is 110 percent different because I cant let you feel my pain or go into my mind.

Sitting 10 story's up with a blade and a bottle of pill's wrote your letter signed goodbye , left it behind and  jumped. 

how can you smile, look at this world ,this is all we've got.

This world is not my home im just passing through( and tbh im homesick, I just want to go home)

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