I Question Every Part Of Who I Am.

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I have an identity disorder

Please don't confuse this for a suicide note, it's not.

I have things to say and things to clear up.

I don't want to be here anymore, you know the way people say that some baby's are to good for this world... Well I know I'm not to good but never the less I hate this world.

I'm never going to be good enough," I'm more scarred, more scarred then my wrist is" so I'll just explain this; nobody cares about me and almost everyone feels the need to tell me how much they hate me and need me to feel even worse about myself. Look I know you were only joking when you said I was fat or stupid or how I was a mistake but I can't take anymore of it.

I know how worthless, pathetic, needy,fat, ugly and hopeless I am. I've tried to fix it but I can't "so if I survive then I'll see you tomorrow", You told me I was attention seeking but I wasn't, I even tried to lock the door but it didn't work. I'm sorry for everything I put yous through, smoking, cutting, therapy, and I stopped eating but it's none of your business.

"I am starving,

My silence is deafening.

Your words cut deap

My silence is deafening.

Fighting for my life.

I question every part of who I am.

The darknes is blinding.

So turn your back and walk away.

My heart is on fire.

My mouth is a lier

All i am, is what I say

The darkness is blinding, Consuming me."

dear anyone who caresTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang