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Dear Freddie,

Freddie, I miss you so much. So much. Its impossible to say how much I miss you. Now every mirror I look into is the Mirror of Erised. Every time I look in the mirror I see you standing there next to me, laughing and smiling. That's my deepest desire, to see you laughing next to me again. But that can't come true, I know it can't. No spell can reawaken the dead, nothing can reawaken the dead. Nothing. 

I have a hard time managing all of the mischief. No one can help me, I'm here all alone. You're gone, dead, forever, never coming back, and Ron isn't going to help me, Harry's too busy, and Percy is too... Businesslike. You're the only one who can properly manage mischief with me, Fred. You're the only one. And you're gone. 

I hope you're helping Padfoot and Prongs and Moony up there. Helping them plan more pranks and pranking everyone else. The Marauders need their 4th member again. Not Pettigrew, you. You need to be their 4th member, if they'll let you. I hope you're staying happy.

If something funny ever does happen, I look over my shoulder to see if you're laughing with me. But you aren't there. I miss you.

I'm somewhat glad that it was you. 

I don't want you to go through this pain.

I'll miss you forever, Freddie.


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