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Dear Fred, 

Its me this time. Percy. George is going through a hard time again, I don't think he can stand anything. Not at all. He's crying almost every single day, he keeps looking over his shoulder, seeing if you're there, he keeps looking in the mirror and then sobbing. I keep asking myself why you had to die, why it wasn't me. I don't think that any of you would miss me as much as we miss you. I did basically betray the family. Everyone hated me except for Mum.

You know, I regret ever leaving you guys. I missed out on spending time with you. I had so little time with you before you died. I was an awful brother. I acted like I hated you. I acted like you and George were idiots. I said that you weren't good role models. But in reality, you were honestly some of the best role models that some people, like Ginny could ever have. You taught her how to have fun, how to stay happy in the darkest times. And how to have fun but be serious when you needed to. You and George were some of the best people I have ever met. I just wish I could tell you that when you were still alive. Because now, you're gone, and George basically is too.

Fred... I regret everything. I honestly do. I'm sorry that I had that fight with Dad, sorry that I left you, sorry that I didn't believe you and the others when you really were right. I want to go back in time, now, and change everything. Make everything so that it was right, that I was with you and the others and that I wasn't that Ministry-loving, family-disowning, power-hungry, pompous moron. I wish I wasn't that brat, that idiot, that person that didn't like their family for being right. I want to go back in time right now, I really do. I want to reverse everything. Maybe, if I wasn't that person, you wouldn't have died. 

I regret everything I did, Fred. I truly do. 

I miss you so much, Fred...



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