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Dear Fred,

I'm sorry I haven't written to you for months. Its been 7 months since I last wrote to you. Things are getting crazier around here. Harry and Ginny are engaged, and Ron and Hermione are too. Percy got married to some girl named Audrey already, and Charlie is still single. I hope you're not mad at me or anything for this, but I'm dating Angelina... I know how much you loved her. But for those months I wasn't writing to you, I wanted to take my life away so that I could see you again, and then Angelina came along. She helped me. I love her, Fred, I really do. I promise I'll take care of her.

Fred, I think I'm going to stop writing. This is hard, it really is. But I can't do this anymore. I think its hurting me more to do this than it does to... Let go. I don't know, though. 

Life is getting so much busier, with preparing for the weddings, and the joke shop is getting so much more popular. I still miss, you, Fred, I still do. I think I need to let go for now, though. 

I'll never forget you, Fred. Never, ever, ever.

Maybe this will be the last letter. 

Goodbye, Fred. I think its time for me to let go. Memories of our days at Hogwarts will always stay with me, but for now, I'm going to let go.



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