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Dear Fred,

Its Ginny this time. George was having an especially hard time today. This is what happened:

George had come out of his room for the first time in a few months today. At dinner, Mum called him your name. She called him Fred. He seemed surprised at first, but then he pretended to grin while holding back tears and jokingly said, "I'm George. Honestly, woman, you call yourself out mother!" Mum smiled through tears, and George tried to smile back, but his sadness took over and cried on her shoulder. Ron was standing there, and he seemed both sad and angry. He called George selfish, saying that instead of moping around and stuff he should be helping restore Hogwarts and help with the Ministry and all of that stuff. Start up the shop again.

He can't. He just can't move on from this. He misses you so much, Fred. He can't handle a lot of things in his state, its nearly impossible for him to even come down for dinner with out crying just a little bit. Yeah, its hard for the rest of us, but its taken the biggest toll on George. You two were nearly inseparable. George is dying on the inside, I can tell.

I found your sweater from your third year a few days ago. I sleep with it every night, now. I hope you don't mind. It still smells like you. I cry into it every few days. 

Its the only thing I have left of you.

I miss you, Fred.



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