How to get ready?

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Kuhu's POV

When it comes to choosing clothes I am very fussy. Because of that I take a lot of time to get ready to the annoyance of my family and friends.

However the monkey boy has developed a unique solution to help me. I would simply go towards the window and whistle. (A whistle is meant only when I have a hard time to decide what to wear)

He would come the window. I would put one outfit in front of me and then I would put another outfit in front of me. He would give the ratings using his finger. If he shows one finger, it means the outfit doesn't suit me. More the number of fingers, better the outfit for me.

I must say his choice is nice. Now a days even he too has started doing the same. Whether it is choosing a tie or shirt or a blazer, he takes my viewpoint.

I even modelled wearing different sky scrapper heals for him and he picked up the one. Once I even tested his patience by asking him which purse suits me the most! He first thought I was joking. On seeing my serious face he signalled, asking if I was mad.

This is just one part of my life. There are so many aspects where I take his help.

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