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Dear Park Jimin,

            Romantic? Yeah . . . I do think it's romantic hehe. So here's my answer to your questions, and I hope you answer my questions as well!

1. Age? (I want to know who's older)
- I can just assure that I'm younger! ;)

2. Favorite Color
- PINK. Any shade of pink, actually. But I'm in favour with pastel pink even more.

3. Hobby/Hobbies
- Horseback Riding, maybe singing a bit, playing the guitar, writing, fangirl-ing lol.

4. Talent/s
- Dancing ♡

5. Favorite Animal
- I have this insane addiction with puppies!

6. Fear
- Heights. Okay I don't really fear it. I'm just not . . . comfy being in high places.

7. Describe Yourself
- Lol do I have to really? Long black hair. Black eyes. Chubby cheeks. Average. And I don't want to describe myself any further.

8. Grade?
- That's a major secret, Mr. Park! ;)

9. Do You Have A Boyfriend?
- Why'd you ask hm? ;) Kidding! Nope. I don't have one. Never had one, actually. Loyal fangirl y'know?

10. Ideal Type?
- Random but okay! :) Taller than me, knows how to cook, good at dancing, has a nice voice, good at drawing, is cute when he smiles, likes to cuddle, someone who can sweep me off my feet just by his presence. ♡

      Okay now here's my questions for you!

1. Have you ever had a girlfriend?

2. Best friend?

3. Definition of beautiful?

4. Favorite question anyone has asked you.

5. Ideal Type?

Miss Anonymous

Dear Park JiminWhere stories live. Discover now