under the name

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Dear Park Jimin,

        I saw you talking to her earlier. Hwamin seemed so happy that you noticed her. I had no choice but to simply look at the corner. I figured that I shouldn't be affected at all. I have my exams coming up REALLY soon and I getting distracted was the last thing that I'd like to do.

        But alas, I already got distracted. This what happened to me earlier, Jimin. As I was washing my hands in the girls' comfort room, Hwamin entered plastering a wide grin on her face. She told me all about it. How Jimin asked her if she was . . . Miss Anonymous. If she was me.

       Hwamin said yes. She fucking said yes. I don't normally curse but you're making me do it. I can't believe you just believed her. Are your instincts disfunctioning or something? I know I tried to push you away from Naomi but I didn't want to pull you to Hwamin.

        Please, Jimin. I love you not because I'm a fan! I love you not because you're my bias! I love you as a person and it's killing the hell out of me.

        Now I have to do this: Pretend that Hwamin and I are friends just so she can pretend to be someone she's not. And she knows for sure who she was trying to portray.

Miss Anonymous

This letter was never sent to Park Jimin.
Wiping her tears, Naomi hid her letter
and forcefully made a new one.

Dear Park Jimin,

       I guess a new friend wouldn't be that bad . . . :)

Miss Anonymous

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