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Dear Miss Anonymous,

       So you still haven't received any yet which is fine since you may be busy after all. And I'd do the same if anything urgent comes up as well. Oh and get this! I remember her now! You know, Naomi. Besides the fact that she definitely is Jungkook's cousin (well like second cousin or something), she was the girl that I helped back then. I insisted to take her to the clinic but she refused.

       She didn't say thank you. She must've been embarrassed or something and scooted away. Or she must be shy around the people staring at us. Which got me thinking, why were you thanking me in your first letter, Miss Anonymous?

       You were thanking me for what?

Park Jimin

Dear Park JiminNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ