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Dear Miss Anonymous,

       Yeah she is lol. Why, growing jealous? ;) But anyway, this weird coincidence happened once again. I have her as a clubmate from two over three clubs. She wasn't a part of the art club. I actually followed her and realised that she was a part of the gymnastics club. She must be really flexible, huh?

       When we saw each other at the singing club, I noticed how she quickly hid behind someone which I assumed was her classmate. The club started and Miss Tan, the one who handles the singing club, told us to demonstrate a song one by one. There were only fifteen of us so it didn't really take long. She asked who would like to go first and everyone pointed at me. Miss Tan said that I really didn't need to . . . what a bummer.

       Naomi was the thirteenth one that sang. They say that thirteen's an unlucky number but I think my birthday's not that unlucky. She sang Irreplaceable and god did I have my jaws dropping. She had a good voice, very angelic, and I would love to have a duet with her!

Park Jimin

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