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This story takes place 1,000 years after the Scorching.

The dragonet scratched restlessly at her egg. It had confined her for many moons. She knew she must come out soon. She couldn't stay in there forever, after all.

It's about time, the dragonet thought. Time to claw harder.

She literally started whacking the egg with her talons.

It went something like this:

Let, WHACK! Me, WHACK! Out! WHACK! Repeat.

The egg let out a satisfying cracking noise.

Now she dug her claws into the egg, forcing pressure on the eggshell. It finally splintered.

And for the first time in this small, fragile dragonet's life, she saw something else besides her boring eggshell.

The scenery around her was beautiful, almost something out of a dream. She was on the face of a cliff. The sun glared cheerfully at her. Bathing in the sunlight, she spotted far away a polar bear with its two cubs on the crisp, white snow. The dragonet gazed at them in wonder.

This dragonet didn't know it, but it was going to become the dragon planet's first animus dragon. Right now, she was like any other ordinary dragonet.

Right now.

Wings of Fire: The First AnimusWhere stories live. Discover now