Chapter 13

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Frostbite's POV

Queen Dewdrop led Frostbite and Python into the tunnel. For some strange reason, the entire tunnel was covered with specks of blue light. And whenever Frostbite stared at the lights for too long, she felt dizzy.

"Here is where you'll stay for the night," said Dewdrop, showing them a large room where four dragons could sleep if they wanted to.

"Sweet dreams," said Dewdrop. Then she whisked away.

"What a strange place," remarked Python.

"Do you get dizzy when you look at those blue lights for too long?" asked Frostbite, pointing to the blue-specked ceiling.

"Let me try..." said Python, squinting upwards.

After five heartbeats, he yelled in pain and thudded to the ground.

"Are you alright?" cried Frostbite, rushing to his aid.

"No..." mumbled Python. Then he blacked out.

Oh dear... thought Frostbite. I need to investigate this place more.

"I enchant myself to know what, when, where, who, why, and how this place was made," she said.

One minute she didn't know. And the next, she did.

The Thinking Tunnel was made by an animus scavenger named Leaf five days ago using animus magic. The reason why Leaf made the tunnel was Queen Dewdrop spotted Leaf in the forest. She was alone. Leaf asked Queen Dewdrop to help find her parents. Queen Dewdrop did, and her reward was the Thinking Tunnel. "Use it when you need ideas for something," Leaf had said. "Sleep in it- it will tell you your most likely path in life."

Frostbite blinked.

Wow, that was weird, she thought, relieved to hear the thoughts she made by her conscious mind. Well, nighty night, Python.

Frostbite closed her eyes and lay down next to Python. She fell asleep in a few heartbeats.

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