Chapter 2

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      Ash definitely seem agitated. Just an hour ago he was having a great time with his friends and now here he is, surrounded by the distinctive smell of discipline and etiquette. Detention.

      Tyson stood beside him with his hands in his pocket. He looked rather "calm" about all this not considering the fact he was the one who started it.

      "Okay boys", the stern voice snapped Ash back to reality. Mr George, the school principal sat in front of them with his hands clasped. "What seems to be the problem here?" asked Mr George.

      As usual Tyson was the first to speak, "He started it...", Tyson began but Mr George stopped him with his finger raised. "Why don't we let Mr Flint here do the talking this time", he remarked.

      Mr Flint. As in Ash Ronald Flint. Finally, Ash gets to speak. "Well sir, to be honest I was the one who punched him", he began. "But then-"

      "Then it's settled", Mr George cut through. "But sir, I haven't finished", Ash voiced.

       "No but this, but that Ash", said Mr George and Ash heard Tyson giggle in mockery. "My decision is final", said Mr George sternly.

      "Ash Ronald Flint you are forced to stay back and clean all the school lockers whereas you Tyson"..., he paused. "You can go home after staying an hour longer, young man".

       Ash's face flushed with anger and he wished he could wipe that  smile off Tyson's face. Obviously the pricipal was being insensible. " But money walks the talk", thought Ash.

      "Do you have a problem Ash?" asked Mr George and he could see Tyson struggling to hold the buffing laughter within himself. He grabbed his knapsack and slung it across his shoulder then said, "No sir, no problem at all" and forced a smile.

        "Good, then the detention is over".

                     *   *   *   *

        That evening after detention, Ash walked back home. He saw Tyson speed off in his father's limousine and barely expected them to give him a lift. Not that they would, anyway.

        Ash looked af his fist and saw a cut. It was burning red and his jaw still screamed in stinging agony, but Ash smiled. "At least I broke his nose", he thought and laughed at himself. "That should teach him not to mess with the under-class".

        On his way back, something caught his eye. An abandoned factory. He had crossed this path more than a dozen times and that particular dingy building always seemed to attract him.

       "I wonder what do they have in there. Maybe if I find some valuable items to trade there, I can save some of my pocket money", thought Ash.

       He looked at his watch and sighed. "Well, I still have a little time to spare. So maybe I should check it out", he said to himself.
If only he knew, that was the decision that would turn his life upside down...

       Getting in the factory was not as easy as it seemed. It took a lot of effort, but despite the mushy mud and itching bushes, Ash perservered, keen to reach his destination. However, he seemed rather disappointed with what he saw at the end of the line.

       The factory reeked of pungent metal odour and rat droppings...
It was encumbered by rusty machinery that went out of use probably after decades.

      "So much for saving my pocket money", thought Ash."All they have here are, scraps", he remarked disappointedly.

       He kicked a piece of iron rod on the floor hoping it would fly off, but instead it stood still, and Ash yelped in agony as his feet felt the pain of kicking solid metal. "What the...", he bellowed painfully.

      Then Ash looked down at the iron rod he kicked. Or was it?
It looked more like a handle, that was shaped so perfectly that it camouflaged with the ambience around it. It was a lever!

       Ash kneeled on his knee and scrutinized the weird looking object. "A lever on the ground. That's something you don't see everyday", said Ash to himself.

      He tried to turn the lever but it just didn't budge. "Maybe I should try harder", he thought.
This time, he pushed the lever anti-clockwise with all the might his slender body could offer. "Come on..." Ash grimaced.

      Suddenly, there was a click followed by a loud hissing sound, and Ash started to feel the ground beneath him start to rumble. "Okay, I guess I better get out-", but before he could even stagger, the floor beneath him opened, and

      Ash Ronald Flint dropped down...


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