Chapter 10

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Ash got home that day with a wide grin across his face. Well, how could he not? School was exceptionally fun. Well, at least teleporting to school was. He finally managed to used his powers again, only this time he seemed more fervent about it. 

     First, he used it to teleport to school; he woke up early in the morning just for that in fact. Then, he used it again while he was at school; avoiding long chats and Tyson the bully again simply was a breeze with it. And finally, he used it again to teleport back home; with a wide grin across his face... "Home sweet home" he exclaimed when he entered the living room.

      "Mum?" Ash called but Mrs Flint didn't reply.  He searched the kitchen, the rooms and at last found her laying on the couch which was the only couch they had in the house anyway. Sleeping. With a photo of his father coiled around her arms? "That's odd", Ash presumed. Then, he remembered his father came home late last night. Or did he came back at all?

        Come to think of it, he noticed his mum on the phone that morning and she was anxious and gloomy as he bade her goodbye for school. "Did something happen?" Ash pondered. But then again, he could be overthinking things. Perhaps, his mum just missed his father, that's all. Right?

        Not wanting to pummel his thoughts with more negative ones, he went to his room and sat on his bed. He turned on the radio and tuned in to his favourite channel. "The Hitz News update', the radio DJ began and Ash turned on the volume.

    Just yesterday, the police have found a senior citizen dead on the pavements of Central 14. The patriach and husband of a loving family was seen at a bus station with a bullet in his skull which penetrated through his medula oblangata", the DJ added, her voice getting deeper as she spoke each word. "The poor man was shot dead with a 64 Silencer presumably at night as his wounds inflicted signs of decay when the police arrived". 

       "Poor man", Ash thought. "The man as identified by the police is known as...Mr Flint', the DJ continued and Ash's heart skipped a beat. "Mr Flint?" Ash thought. "Could it be his dad?" That's impossible. His dad was okay, he was at work and he came back home yesterday. Didn't he?

       Ash started to feel an uneasy feeling start to snowball within him as he listened on to the next words the DJ spoke. "The police are still investigating the crime scene and the body is about to be carried for forensic analysis this instant''.  "I've got to get there!" he exclaimed looking at his watch. "I've got to get there now and find out who he is", and saying that,

Ash teleported to Central 14...

        Ash wasn't sure how he accrued enough energy to teleport to where he wanted to go. But, it was as if his powers were responding to his feelings; an immense surge of anxiety and unnerving sadness, and the next moment, Ash was exactly where he wanted to be. The crime scene.

     There was a group of people gathered there in a circle. Ash couldn't be exactly sure of who they were but all he could see was a fair amount of citizens, avid photographers and also the blue-uniformed cops among them. The crime scene which was the bus stop was taped with a lax yellow tape which said 'NO ENTRY'. However, insubornate paparazis and men still chose to cross over the line as if it meant nothing at all, simply to satisfy the curiosity that beckoned within them.

     Ash trudged closer, inching on his toes to look over the crowd that engulfed his view and made him feel claustraphobic as he squeezed his way through. Who was the victim? Is he my dad? Is he not? Ash bristled at his shuddering thoughts that raced through his mind.

        "Woah, woah. Hold up there, kiddo", a voice bellowed along with a hand that stopped him from prying further. "You people really need to obey the yellow line", he stressed with his eyebrows furrowed. 'The victim. Wh...who is he?" Ash probed, struggling to find the words.

       "Flint. Ronald Flint.", the officer replied. "Now that answers your question so will-" he paused as he saw Ash's eyes start to water.

    "Wait. Do you know him?" the officer asked, suddenly softening his tone. But Ash just kept mum, his tears rolling down his cheeks as he swabbed them off with his sleeve. Then, he ran off...

     Ash sobbed hard. It was late at night and he was in an abandoned alley sobbing. He didn't care about anything else right now. His dad, his best friend, the man he loved dearly wa gone and he just wanted to be left alone.

      As soon as he got back, his mum grabbed him and hugged him tight. "Where hve you been? I've been worrid sick about you", Mrs Flint remarked but she stopped when she saw Ash's red eyes. "Dad's gone isn't he?" said Ash as he laid in his mother's arms. Mrs Flint didn't want to speak any further. She didn't have to anyway. Instead, she laid her head on top of her son's and grimaced in sorrow for their loss.

     Deep within, Ash was mad. Incensed. His father was murdered and he couldn't anything about it. No, he was just going to let it be. "I'm going to find them", Ash thought as he sobbed irately, the feeling of revenge furmacing inside him.

     "I'm going find those guys who killed my dad..."



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