Chapter 2|| Family

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"Ready" Kiku asked a 6 year old version of Tokyo. For a six year old she was pretty small but it was adorable small. Yui then nodded happily smiling. "H-hai I am" Tokyo said sparkled were in her eyes as Kiku reached his hand for his little sister as she put her hand in his. Where are they going may you ask there going to visit there other siblings after finally deciding Kiku decided to show his siblings their new little sister. and it was a perfect day to introduce the others to Tokyo because on certain days the Asian countries are meet up together to hang out and have fun.


Kiku was worried about Tokyo as they made their way in front of one of Japan's brothers house. Yui kept looking down for a reason and kept fumbling with her hands nervously as Yui kept doing that Japan decided to stop and kneel down in front of the girl. "Yui what wrong is something the matter" Kiku asked worriedly "I-I'm scared" Yui said still looking down. Kiku then patted her head making we look up "Yui it's ok there's nothing to be worried about there very nice they can be cray but sweet there going to love you I'm sure about it if you want to leave early when you don't feel comfortable we can alright" Kiku said making Yui smile

"T-thank you big brother I-I feel a lot better know I don't want to leave you seemed so happy when you mentioned about them so it's ok thank you" Yui said remembering how happy your big brother was when he mentioned that the two of you were going to spend a day or night and your new other siblings house. That made Kiku smiled as Yui said that "Thank you Yui don't worry about me now let's go the others are waiting" Kiku said walking towards the house Yui waited walked with her brother behind him as they made it to the door/shōji.

Kiku knocked on the shōji as behind it lots of voices could be heard until footsteps and talking could be heard. The door was then was slide open by a male with brown hair that was hanged in a Low ponytail with golden eyes. A smiled appeared on his face as he saw Kiku. The guy bowed happily saying "Nǐ hǎo Kiku I'm glad you could make it" The male said making Kiku bow as well. "Kon'nichiwa Yao I'm glad I could make it as well Oh and this is Yui or my capital Tokyo" Kiku said looking at Yui who hid half of her body behind her brother.

"N-Ni hao" Yui stuttered making Yao squeal and bend down to the little girl trying his best not to glomp her. "Hǎo kě'ài~  Ni hao to you to don't worry little one I don't bite I'm Yao aren't you just so cute" Yao squealed hugging the girl who giggled in response. "T-thank you" Yui smiled feeling even better "Ah the others are waiting Jìnlái ba" Yao Scooted over letting the two In. When they did Yui his behind Kiku as the voices died down and everyone was strafing at the capital.

"Aiyaa don't just stare at her your scaring her introduce your self" Yao scolded as a girl with long brown curly hair with a curl sticking out of her head with golden eyes came up to the Yui and picked her up hugging her tightly. "You might want to be careful with her Mei" Kiku said as Yui squeaked "Kawaii~ the little one is so cute what's your name darling" the girl said twirling you around making you giggle.

"I-I'm Yui" Yui said making the girl with the flower clip squeal rubbing her cheeks against yours.

"So she's your new capital" another male with an emotionless face with golden eyes and dark brown hair Said. "Hai everyone this is Tokyo or Yui" Your brother introduced Tokyo as almost everyone complimented on how cute and small and adorable you were. and they asked many questions they even couldn't believe you were really smart also for a young Girl you even knew some of your new siblings language and Kiku hasn't even taught you but that's does kinda come in when your a capital.

Yui was actually excited when she meet the rest of her family members. Like Vietnam/Lien a emotionless girl who is very sweet and has a thing for adorable things just like Yao. South Korea/Im Young Soo and Thailand/Tai. Tokyo loved meeting her new siblings they were very nice and sweet and kind and everything. after meeting everyone and eating they all decided to go to an arcade which they had lots of fun there and everyone spent hours playing games and beating each other after everyone was tired and had enough for one day they decided  to go back to their older brothers house and watched  movies until everyone fell asleep.

"Big brother" Tokyo yawned as everyone was fast asleep expect for Tokyo and Japan. "Hai Tokyo" Japan said his eyes were closed but he was still awake. "I-I really had fun with my new siblings thank you for taking me here big brother" Tokyo thanked her brother. "I told you you would have fun and I'm glad You did it's already late we should be going to bed good night Yui"

"Good night big brother"

(I apologize for the sucky chapter -3-)

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