Chapter 5|| Checking up

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(Tokyo's P.O.V)

I hummed as I began washing the dishes.


I jumped as I heard my cell phone go off so I went to get my phone which was on the counter. after I dried my hands I got my phones and I smiled looking at the contact.

"Konichiwa Ni-chan" I turned the water off putting the last dish in the rinser. "Konichiwa Yui I was just checking on you and I want to say thank you for the food the others wanted to say that as well it was really good you didn't have to do that Yui" Kiku said as in the background you can hear tons of voices. "It's no problem and what do you mean I didn't have to do that I wanted to I didn't want you to starve oh by the way you left your wallet" I said.

"O-oh yea I-wait how did you know that?" questioned Kiku "You left it on the table but no worries I put it in your room" I smiled "Ah thank you Yui but I have a question how did you know I was here?" Kiku asked as Yui stayed quiet for a while. "Ah well I might've told Hong Kong to tell me I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to interrupt you"

"So you called Leon" I scratched the back of my neck. "Well ok I wasn't thinking straight but he said he was over here so yea anyway he told me and since I couldn't go over there Leon went to pick it up and he said something about he'll give it to everyone when it's lunch break and yea" I explained "So that's why he was calling someone he was calling you wasn't he?" Kiku asked "Hai I'm sorry big brother" I apologized "It's ok just ask next time and tell me please I could've went back to get it" Kiku said.

"But I didn't want you to come back you must've been really tired since you didn't eat" I said crossing my arms "That's why I told Leon because he was closer over here and I could've brought you the food Oh and sorry for not bringing your wallet back I found it right after I sent the food and you cooked just texted me I felt bad that you had time to write me a note and not get food yourself" I said I pouted as Kiku stayed silent for a minute. "I'm sorry about that I was I a rush and everything and you are my sister after all an plus it's dangerous I don't want anything bad to happen to you" I raised a brow as Kiku said the sister part silently like he didn't want anyone to hear it.

"It's ok I'm sorry I'm worried about you to your health is important as well" I said

"Hai I know if you don't mind me asking....." I tilted my head as I heard a voice call Kiku out but Kiku saying softly 'I'rr be right back' that's not all I heard I then heard the voices get smaller and smaller and then a door closing. "Yea" I questioned "I hear- well the note said you got another nightmare I'm sorry I wasn't there to wake you up or comfort you" Kiku apologized "It's alright Kiku it's not your fault"

"Do you want to talk about it" Kiku asked. I then started to think about the dream. for some reason every time I think about the dream it's always a blur sometimes it odd how I can remember it but don't remember it sometimes some stuff stays but some just......go. "I don't know what's real or what's not real anymore Kiku did it happen it going to Happen" I said blinking as some tears filled my eyes. "Every time I think about it I forget or it gets worst I-it's always these different people that I keep forgetting" I said biting my lip trying not to cry.

"'s ok you know no matter what I'll protect you and I will never leave you it's good that you forget those people it will just cause more pain if you keep remembering look I don't want to remember what happened that day either in fact I can't even really remember and I don't want to you know no matter what happens I will be by your side no matter what" Kiku said. I know he's lying I know he remembers every time I ask him what really happened that day he changes subjects or just says 'I don't remember' but I know he knows every time I talk about it with him he doesn't even look me in the eye.

I'm selfish aren't I he probably doesn't want to remember because people did many bad things to him during that time. my brother is a country and has been for a long time and had been through a lot than I have even tho I'm his capital "Thank you brother I'm grateful I'm sorry for being selfish".

"Your not being selfish don't say that" Kiku said a tint of anger in his voice "I'm sorry you shouldn't be saying negative things that aren't true about your self" he said. I nodded smiling a little. "It's alright sorry" I said "its o- WAHHH" I jumped as I heard something in the background. I rubbed my ears trying to gain my hearing. "What's happening in there?" I questioned.

"Ah something must've happened" I heard Kiku sigh as opened the door.

"I'm sorry Yui but I have to call you later oh and I almost forgot I may be a little late home tonight"

"Ok tell the others hi for me"

"Hai I will call me if you need anything ok"

"Hai I will bye~" I chirped as I hanged up. "Now what should I do" I groaned as I walked around the house in boredom.


I jumped hearing barking in the living room I then started walking to the living room to see pochi barking at the shōji. "Pochi what are you barking at did someone knock" I said if it did I wonder if I didn't hear it because I was on the phone but at the same time I didn't hear pochi bark. Then did pochi sense something. I then put my finger on my lips shushing the dog who wagged is tail. I then opened the shōji a little to see no one?.

'BARK' pochi went outside and picked up a package that was in his mouth. "Ah thank you pochi" I smiled petting the dog as I grabbed the package and went inside picking up pochi and closing the door.

"Hm I wonder what's this" I said putting the dog down and sitting on the couch examining the package as I opened the package I gasped seeing a picture in a frame but it isn't just any frame or picture. In the picture was two beings I smiled seeing Yao smiling and hugging a little version of me both of us were covered in water and smiling eyes closed. Yui chuckled at the memory of that day after china begging an begging to take care of me while my brother had to go somewhere and I was young so he couldn't take me or leave me in the house alone so Japan said yes an he let me stay at brother Yao's place and we had lots of fun.

I smiled at the picture as I saw something it looked like a Letter was attached into the left side of the picture. I then took it out examining the note which read.

'Yui I finally was done getting a frame or this picture you did say it was one of your favorite memories it is mines to but I'm sorry it too a while I had to look in all albums to find this one but it was worth if I really hope you like this Zàijiàn'

-Wang Yao

"Thank you Yao" I said hugging the note tightly. Yui then yawned and feeling a little tired but I shook my head and decided to turn on the TV and finish watching the anime that I was currently watching which was Searph Of Are End. I then looked down seeing pochi whimpering and trying to get on the seat. "Aw come on here pochi" I squealed picking up the dog and laying it on my chest as I put play and started to drift asleep a few hours and Episodes later.

Tokyo: (Hetalia x OC) Where stories live. Discover now