Chapter 7|| Talk

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"K-kiku?!" Yui squeaked catching him. She then started to sit down making Kiku lay down. "A-ainki? ainki!" Yui tapped his brothers cheeks lightly as he started to breath heavily and his eyes were closed as his face then turned a little more redder.

Yui honestly didn't know what to do this has never happened before she quickly then started to look around trying to get any ideas of what to do she then got an idea and moved to the side lightly putting his brothers head on the ground. "I'll be right back s-stay right their brother" Yui said standing up and going to her room to retrieve her phone when she got it she quickly started to dial someone.

"Konicaiwh s-sorry if I-I was disturbing you Yao b-but I need help I-its Kiku"


"Aiyaa Kiku last night it didn't look like he slept at all and he did wake up pretty early and left the hotel" Yao sighed putting a wet towel on Kiku's forehead. "Was he late because of the meeting Kiku said that he would be home late" Yui asked looking at both of her brothers. "I think I know what he was trying to do and Shi the meeting ran pretty late because finally we got some things done but Kiku didn't look good so after the meeting so he went straight to the hotel room and we all forced him to stay in bed since he looked bad but when we woke up he was already gone and do you know at what time did he get here aiyaa he probably left at night this boy" Yao said crossing his arms looking at Kiku and looking like he was about to scold him.

"I honestly don't know but I also think he arrived pretty late I was actually sleeping on the table waiting for him but I ended up falling asleep but when i woke up I saw myself on the bed and I don't remember going to the bed so I assumed they he probably put me in it I-i have this feeling that he's hiding something from me" Yui furrowed her brows and had a frown on her face. But she looked up feeling someone look at her hand she looked up at Yao who had a worried gaze.

"You and I both know that he's trying to protect you and I don't think he's hiding something from you he would've told m-us well not really me but he hasn't so I don't think he is Shí all of us are worried about him and he doesn't listen to me but if you tell him I know he'll tell you" Yao said making Yui smile even though she was slightly confused am had all of these thoughts in her head she just pushed them aside smiling and nodding. "B-but even if I ask him he just changes subjects a-and I know he's probably doing this to protect me but he can't just do this I-I feel like he doesn't trust me and that I can't manage to protect myself which I can because I learned
from the best You and thankfully to my other siblings who know Martial arts very well" Yui chuckled

"I know I tell him that all the time" Yao says that softly turning away before facing her again. "He probably is doing this to protect you he is protective of you but again all of us are and he dose trust you why wouldn't you in fact you changed him for the better it's Kiku and you know how is and Shí I'll admit it you do fight very well you managed to best me which is never possible we'll expect Kiku" Yao smiled chuckling at the last part.

"H-hai your right thank you big brother" Yui smiled hugging Yao who smiled back. Yao smiled hugging back but he felt bad not telling his sister/Niece the truth of everything. "It's no problem just know I'm their for you" He smiled hugging her tightly."And you sure you don't want me to stay?" Yao asked parting the hug. Yui smiled nodding "Hai I'm sure I-I'll try to do this on my own I don't want to bug you and I want to tell Kiku that I could do this on my own even though you did all the help arigato" Yui said bowing down. "It's Ok but tell me if something happen or if you need any help alright and Remember what I told you ok" Yao said nodding also making Yui nod. "Ok I got this thanks brother" Yui said while Yao started to go out of the room and towards the door out of the house while Yui followed behind. Both then exchanged goodbyes in their own language but when Yao stood one foot out of the house he quickly turned to Yui saying "Wait Yui" The grey eyed girl then looked at Yao. "What's wrong?" She asked tilting her head. Yao was about to say something until he mixed up on his words he was trying to say something but no words came out so instead of what he wanted to say he smiled saying. "I just want to say Wǒ ài nǐ And be safe" He said. Yui bought it with a smile and said "Watashi wa more" They both exchanged goodbyes agaim before Yui closed the door and Yao began to walk away but he stood their and stopped turning around at the door shaking his head.

"I'm sorry Yui but Kiku will kill me and were trying to get you safe so they won't get you" The Chinese male sighed before going home himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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