Chapter 4|| Confusion

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Kiku Honda was sitting in his chair he groaned and flushed in embarrassment every time his stomach grumbled while some turned to him. We'll Kiku didn't get to eat breakfast and he honestly can't wait until he has his lunch break but he knows he can't eat durning lunch because just his luck today he didn't bring his wallet and he is really going to feel bad and embarrassed telling someone that he needed money for lunch since he didn't bring his lunch or wallet.

"Ok everyone we'll meet back here In 30 minutes" Germany said as everyone sighed in relief as they began going were they usually eat at.


It's been 17 minutes as kiku was standing in the hallway awkwardly. He didn't want to watch everyone eat while he didn't have anything to eat and he didn't want to feel pity on so he just stood there until a familiar voice rang. "Ve~ Kiku why are you out here and not eating" feliciano questioned about to go in the room "U-um well I'm not hungry" Kiku lied "Really?" Feliciano said Kiku sighed in relief that his Italian friend bought the lie. "But that doesn't mean that you have to stand here by your self come on everyone is wondering were you are" "bu-" before Kiku could Finish Italy pulled Japan's hand and began dragging him to the room. As they both went in Italy pushed his friend into a seat were America, Canada, China,Russia and Germany were at Kiku wondered why china didnt have any food either he probably wasn't hungry. 

"Dufe vere fwere vou" Alfred said as his mouth was full. "Aiyaaa don't eat with your mouth full Alfred!" Scolded china as Italy sat down. "I'm sorry I was late just had to do some things" Kiku lied but some countries looked at each other worriedly. "bu-" Italy was interrupted by a lady who works at the front office she was holding a bag and seemed to be looking for someone.

"Mr Kiku Honda this is for you is  from a girl name y-"

"I got it from here thanks yes Shi it just arrived yea yea I'll tell him you better make me food when we come down there" Hong Kong said talking to the lady who nodded and walked away and was talking to the phone but he hanged up. "Kiku this is for You" Kiku's head perked up as he got the bag. Kiku opened the bag 'Wait w-' Kiku smiled wondering if his sister did this for him since sometimes she is the one who bring food for him. When Kiku got the food out. his mouth got watery as he saw lost of containers of food in the bag. Kiku blinked as he saw notes on the containers on one note it read.

'Ainki I'm very upset that you didn't eat or pack lunch but you had time to write me a letter that's very sweet and nice of you but Your health is important mister now I made/bought things for all of you guys because why not but I got 3 things for each of you including bento so that counts as 4 anyway this is for you and for Yao and the others they have their names on it so there would be no confusion you better eat along with the others oh and I had another nightmare again but I'm find anyway I have to feed The cats

-Sayōnara Yui

Kiku smiled softly seeing at the bottom right of the note was a drawing of him with a small heart "Who is it from" China asked in curiosity as some others looked at the bag in curiosity as well. Kiku put his hand in the bag when he grabbed it and pulled it out another note was there that read Anki he then grabbed the 3 that was his. after grabbing his he looked in the bag seeing a note that read Yao "China this is for you" Kiku said grabbing the 4 containers for Yao giving it to him. Yao gave his brother a odd look as Kiku gave Yao a look that read 'It's from you know who' Yao smile opening the container that had dumplings "Woah she knows how to cook really good I can't wait to eat them they look so good oh she even wrote a note" Yao smiled reading the note.

"Did she bring anything for us" Hong Kong said digging into the bag grabbing some containers as all of the Asian countries did so to. "Who ever sent that food must really know what you like" Feliciano said "Y-yea they must be a very good cook" Canada said "Hai she sure is" Kiku said.

"Oh she must be a friend of yours si" Italy wondered making china choke on his food and almost made Kiku choke as well. "Ah wel-" "She's a cook who's is a friend" Korea said looking at Vietnam "Old Friend who likes to cook for us" Vietnam said as everyone raised a Brow at the Asian countries. "Why do I have a feeling that your not telling us something" Alfred asked "Oh look America actually getting something what a day" England sad as America glared at him "If you guys want to tell us something you can but if you don't want to you don't have to just know we're there for you" Germany said making japan nod. "I understand thank you Germany-San"

"Now everyone come on break is over Japan you and the others can stay here to finish eating since you fit your food last" Germany said as everyone left all expect for some Asian countries. "We can't keep her a secret for ever Japan as much as i-we don't want to show her to the others one day were going to have to and can you tell Yui thank you" Vietnam said before leaving. Japan just stayed silent "She's right Japan as much as we want to keep her safe we're going to have to" China said before putting a dumpling in her mouth. "I know I know I just don't want anything to happen to her just like last time" Kiku said he looked at the note his sister wrote and clenched it thinking about something.

"We know Your protective of her we all are" Leon said "but were all in peace now..... I hope so I don't think  anything like that will Happen" Taiwan said Kiku then nodded. "But you don't have to tell them now tell them when your ready" Yao said "Hai I will thank you" Kiku nodded as he began eating the remaining of his Gyudon.


"So in a few days we will be having another meeting and we will be having it in one of your capitals since I don't want any arguing everyone put their  capital names in this hat and I'll be choosing who ever capitals I choose if I chose one of your capitals were having the meeting there" everyone nodded as they began writing their capitals name down on a small piece of paper and started passing them into Germany who put then in the hat.
As all were in Germany shook the hat that he got out of no where he then picked out a paper.

'Please d-'

Kiku shook a little as Germany's icy blue eyes connected with Japan's dull grey ones

'Hory Sh-'

"Tokyo Japan" Germany said his eyes still locked with Japan's who just wanted to run out the room.

'Out of all the countries it had to be me' Kiku groaned silently squeezing the pen he had in his hand under the table. Japan nodded "O-ok Germany-San this will be in a few days right" Japan said as the German nodded. "Ve~ can we go to the place we went last time what was it Oh! The hot springs can we please" Italy whined hugging Japan's arm who shivered in response. Some countries then began to nod and talk about. Japan couldn't say no he just couldn't and he would love to show them around Japan as well so why not but what happened if they see Yui it's not like the others are going to go to his house so what's to worry.

"That's depends if Japan wants to ad if we have enough time is that good with you Japan?" England asked as everyone's gaze went on the Japanese male he then nodded as smiled. "Hai I would love to and if we have enough time I can show you guys around" Japan smiled not knowing what else to do.

'Its now or never'

Tokyo: (Hetalia x OC) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora