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~Flashback, 16 Years Ago~

"(Y/N), sweetie, can you please get the jar of butter from the basement?" My mom asks.

I was a little confused on why a jar of butter would be in a basement. But since I wanted to be good, I obliged. And walked down the trapdoor.

It was a little dusty inside, so I covered my nose to avoid my constant sneezing. Once I got what my mother wanted, I walked up and peeked through the wall of the kitchen.

Oh how I wish I didn't look.

There I see my mom getting brutally murdered. I was shooked on how fast time went by, I was standing there. Quivering in my (F/C) boots that my mom gave me on my 2nd birthday. I was too scared to move. My skin was pale white as I saw my mother crying for help. My 4 year old mind was panicking. I didn't know what to do. The jar of butter slid from my palms and splashed onto the floor, making a glass breaking sound.

And that's my cue, I ran towards the door as fast as I can, the killer hot on my heels. I didn't bother to look back as I heard my father screaming in agony. I was holding back my tears. My legs were tired from running, but I didn't stop. As I bursted through the door the killer was still catching up to me. I dodged every single people who were in my way. I saw a dark alley and took a sharp turn, I've always had been good at running so I was able to escape easily.

Five minutes passed by, and I peaked out, looks like I lost it. I sighed deeply in relief, and then realize my family was still in the house. I dashed towards my house to see it burned down to the ground. I slap my hands to my mouth, I couldn't fight back the tears anymore.

I carefully sat down on a sidewalk and cry my eyeballs out. My family... all gone. It was too much to handle. And not to mention it all happened too fast..

I looked up and saw green hooded boy reach his hand out to me, I didn't really hesitate to take it. He pulled me up and asked, "Is this your... house..?" I nod and sniffle some more. He hugs me and I hugged back, I didn't really know who he is, but he really is helping..

"Edd! Oh thank god I thought you we lost yo- Oh I see there's a.. girl?" The man pants and a woman catches up and does the same, which I assume are his parents.

"Yeah dad. You see that house over there?" He points to my house of ashes, once they saw they gasped, "Well that's hers and I think her parents are in there as well.." I nod and a single tear came down my cheek, he wipes it with his thumb and turns to his parents again, "I think we should adopt her." I stared at him wide-eyed, sure I was four but my parents did taught me about adoption.

Both of his parents looked at me and looked at each other, this repeated until they finally said, "Alright. She really looks like she needs a family right now.. Then it's settled. Also, what's your name little girl?" His dad picks me up and I giggle, the tears drying away. "(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)."

"Well, you're (Y/N) Gould now. Come on let's go." His dad smiles and the boy, which I assumed is Edd. Grabs both of his- or my parents now, hands.

"(Y/N), you'll be happy with us. Don't worry." Edd smiles and we all walk towards an ice cream store.

And that was how my whole life changed.

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