Something Unexpected

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I woke up in a dimly lit room as I slowly regained my sight. I try to rub my eyes but was stopped by the ropes that was tied onto my wrists. I became wide-eyed as I struggled within the ropes. But no luck, only my wrists were slowly getting bruised by the tightness. I looked down and gasp as I saw my body was tiny. I realized what I was in for. A fucking nightmare. And I'm a goddamn baby!

I heard a chuckle in front of me as I hesitantly looked up. It was hard controlling my body since I was so small. Now realizing what's in front of me, I squeaked when I saw two horns on his head. Was this Tord!? No.... it's his father.. What the hell did he do to me when I was little!?

It was blurry looking at the man in front of me. I didn't do anything but struggle. Now realizing it, I wasn't controlling my own body. And then I remember this is a fucking nightmare. I try to close my eyes but it didn't even budge. Now this own nightmare played on itself. I felt something jab on me and I screamed out of instinct and loudly cried. My own mind was terrified at the scene that was playing on. The "something" was pulled back and I felt as if my body was transforming.

My arms became bigger, forming into claws and my skin color drastically changed into purple. My head grew two horns and my back had wings. Growing a tail behind my back, I screamed in agony as the pain went through my tiny body. Or well, my medium body, I grew even more taller and bigger. After what seemed like hours, I was far upon shocked on what I had become.

A monster.

And not just a monster. I was even a part devil.

The transformation reversed and my new features disappeared. The man smirks at this result and I faint from both pain. And shock.

"Looks like this experiment worked. Success."

My eyes immediately shot open as I saw three of the boys trying to wake me up. They all gasped and hugged my sweating form tightly. They pulled back and look at me with concern.

"(Y/N), jesus christ! What the hell was that!? Why didn't you tell us!" Edd practically screams at me. I looked at him in confusion as he waits for my answer. "Tell you what?" I question him obviously confused.

"That you were a mix of a fucking monster and a devil." Tom remarks.

I became shocked and looked at the three boys, them both concerned and a little bit mad.

"Wait wait wait. Look, I didn't know! I thought it was just a nightmare but.. this is real!?" I exclaimed as I put both my hands to my head, panicking.

"(Y-Y/N)...." Matt pauses mid-sentence. "That was really cool!" He suddenly shouted excitedly as his eyes were sparkling. The other two sighed in disappointment and Tom smacked Matt behind the head. "Ow! Hey! That was true!"



Yes that's rite. TwO cHapTeRs yEeT. I suddenly have motivation XD

Ths idea magically popped into my head and I was like "FuCk iT lEtS dO iT" and here we are

Happy readin uwu

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