A Normal Day

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Struggling to breathe. I couldn't feel anything. I felt numb. As I desperately tried to gasp for air, nothing came out. I was just slowly dying. I was deep upon the ocean. I kick my feet up but that only made me go even deeper. I gave up. I didn't have a choice. Accepting my fate, my legs became faint. I shut my eyes. As I sunk below the ocean.

And then I shot up. I took deep breaths as I tried to calm myself. I was sweating bullets. Goddamnit, another fucking nightmare. I look over to my right, to my table, I saw a glass of water and a towel. I smiled to myself, Edd knew I was having more and more nightmares. So he set those down just in case. I reached over for the towel and carefully damp my face. And I downed the glass of water as I regained my breathing. Now calm, I let my feet over the air and search for my (F/C) (F/A) (Favorite Animal) slippers. I yawn and stretch as I went and took my (F/C) hoodie. And I trot outside my room.

Now walking down the hallways, I notice the picture frames dangling on the walls. I smiled to myself again and stop on my tracks on the last picture frame. It was all four of us, all happy as we can be. Man, those were the good times. When Tord was still with us...

I shake my head as I kept my composure. I walk down the stairs to be greeted by Edd cooking (F/F). I grin widely as I crept behind Edd. One, two, three..

"BOO!" I scared Edd as he screeched and accidentally smacked me with a pan. "OW WHAT THE FUCK!?" I retract my hand as I rubbed my forehead in pain.

"(Y/N)!! Oh my god I'm so sorry!" He sets the pan down as he searches around the kitchen for an ice pack.

I groan as I say, "It's fine Edd. Besides I scared ya didn't I?" I grin as I still rubbed my forehead.

He found an ice pack as he walked over to me, "Yeah yeah whatever you got me." He rolls his eyes as he carefully placed the ice pack on my forehead. "Does this hurt?" He asks me, concerned as I nod my head. "Yeah, but I can manage." I smile as I take the ice pack. He nods reassuringly as he goes back to cooking.

I walk over to the couch and plop down. As I surfed the channels with my free hand. I see Tom and he plops down beside me as he looks at me with concern.

"Why do you have an ice pack?" He asks.

"Scared Edd while cooking, got smacked in the pan accidentally after that." I answer as he snickers. I pretend to dramatically gasp with a fake offended look on my face.

"How dare you snicker when I'm hurt!? Oh mah gahd you're such a bad friend, Thomas!" I joked as he rolls his voids playfully. "And how dare you call me Thomas!? I thought we agreed to call me Tom!" He jokes afterwards as we laughed.

As we went into a comfortable silence after that, Matt comes walking our way looking overjoyed as usual.

"And how's my little cinnamon roll doing?" I smiled as he looks towards me and returns the smile. I was always the one who comes up with the nicknames. And I called Matt in any pure way as possible. He's like my smol son that needs to be protected at all costs. Height aside, he really appreciates it.

"Feeling marvelous, (Y/N). Thanks!" He exclaims as he sinks below the couch. I aww'd and continue to watch the TV. "You're welcome." I smiled.

Edd calls over to us that breakfast is ready. I shot up from my seat and run towards the kitchen table at inhumane speed. As I sat down in one of the seats, Edd giggles and sets down the plates. I give him the ice pack and dug into my food. Not long after, Tom and Matt comes over to the table and sit.

"Wow. I know you love (F/F) but damn your fast." Tom comments as he eats his food normally.

I didn't say anything since my mouth was full, so I only nod and continue to dig into my food. A few minutes later and I'm already finished. I grabbed a napkin and wipe my mouth casually like I didn't just went sonic speed into my food. The boys looked at me dumbfounded and I snicker.

"If you all don't finish yours then please do the honors and give it to me." I posed dramatically and they roll their eyes. Well most of them, Matt only did a close-eyed smile and eats again.

(*cough* Matt needs more love goddamni-)

I stood up from my seat and I sat on the couch. I watched TV as my eyes slowly close. Today was pretty boring, nothing exciting happening I guess. So I took a nap.

???'s POV

As (Y/N) slowly closed her eyes and slept I yawned. My companion noticed this and pats my back.

"Hey, if we don't stay up then Boss would be pissed." He frowns as I nod. "Sorry."

"It's fine." He reassures as we looked back at the camera.


Sorry for the long wait! I was just busy with shit and I forgot to update this book so I'm really sorry.

If you're wondering who "???" Is then it'll be revealed in later chaps.

Happy readin uwu

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