"Hello, Old Friends."

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But y'all maybe watched it already because, y'know, eDWORL-


"Guys! Sir swims a lot exploded!" Matt frowned, I turned to him and pat his back. "Can we go fishing?" He continued, a small smile on his face.

Tom turned around. "We just went fishing!" He groaned.

"Yeah.. and we kinda got banned for ever going there again.." Edd stated awkwardly from the passenger seat.

I nod in agreement. "It's because of that whale Tom literally caught with his arrows." I rolled my eyes, I heard Tom dramatically gasp from the front seat.

"THOSE ARE HARPOONS YOU BIT-" "Now now, no fighting in the car." Edd scolded, Tom huffed and crossed his arms, I stick my tongue out to him making him return the gesture, and he sank back into his seat.

"Oh, and what are we going to do with the whale?" I questioned, Edd shrugged.

"Could sell it, don't really know." He sighed, "Me neither!" Matt included.

"Let's just get out of here." I sighed.


I took out a (F/F) (Favorite fish) from my bucket, and hung it from my hands. It was dazzling, literally how it looks in the pictures, I smiled to myself a little, and continue to examine it further.

That was until I heard a gasp from the halls.

I froze, and slowly turn my head towards where the sound came from, it was kinda obvious that it was Tom. I put my fish back in the bucket, and walked towards where Tom was. Loads of pictures were hung in the walls, I chuckled to myself from how much Edd wants us to remember these times. Heck, he's like a damn mother.

Speak of the devil, I saw Edd right over the doorframe, I became confused from why, I shook the thought off and popped my head right under Edd's. And as I saw a silhouette with two horns, I gasped.

"To-" I cut myself off, he emerged from the shadows. I swear I was going to cry.

"Hello, old friends."


suffer my cliffhangers

I KNOW, I KNOW, this is short. Because like, I really need to sleep rn. AnD iTs fuCkEn sChoOL aLrEadY.

Cryinh, im sorri-

It's not Chance, it's Fate (Tord x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz