Meeting The Patterson's.

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Last night was one of a kind. I had a good time with Edvin and Houston. I know he is my boss but calling him Mr Patterson all the time is boring so why not call him by his name when out of work. I agreed on going to dinner today at his parent's place but I'm kind of nervous because Edvin said his parents will be there too except for his baby brother Evan. I have never met him before but Edvin used to talk a lot about him and how he is fond of video games. He doesn't just love playing video games but design and produce them too. How amazing right? And on the same night I found out an interesting thing too, Houston has two sisters, Linda and Sophia. And he mentioned that the Linda who works here is his baby sister and the last born of the Patterson family a fact that left my jaw hanging out. I wish I had known that a long time ago because I talk a lot about Houston and how he badly treats me and most of the time she is always there except for last night she made an excuse and left early its like she knew Houston was coming over. What a bad girl, let me meet her today i will scold her. Or maybe not its her private life I can't intervene.

Its almost 6pm and I don't know what to wear. I tried on everything from trousers, jeans, skirts to dresses but I didn't get a cloth of my choice. I want something that will look simple on me but presentable at the same time. One dress here looks good but its color is black, won't they think I got ready for a funeral? Its black but beautiful, its a long sleeve vintage floral laced swing dress, with a boat neck and its length is above the knees. After putting it on Jessy enters the room.

"Looking beautiful but don't you have a bright dress"? She ask throwing herself on the bed.

"I do, but this looks simple. I don't want to sophisticate my look".

"A little make up will make you look more beautiful on that long face of yours, apply some or should I help you do your make up?"

"No darling, I want to look natural. Its just dinner and not an introduction to the in-laws".

"Lucy? Where are you, Houston is here", mom yells from the kitchen.

"I'm coming". I put on a red lipstick, red earnings and red ankle straps. I pick a dark grey clutch, put in my phone and give myself a final look in the mirror, Jessy gives a big thump up with a grin and I was ready to go.

Walking out the room till the sitting room I see Houston in a long sleeve shirt patterned with blue and black checks, a deep blue three button slim fit blazer, a black tie, a navy blue slim fit tapered flat casual pants and boat neck loafers black with blue color. He was just wow. And what is even more weird he was smiling at me. I didn't wanna ruin the evening so I smiled too, a brighter and big smile was on my face just like the one was on his face.

"He looks sooo.......", Jessy said trying to get my attention.

"Yeah, gorgeous right? He always does", I say still looking at the starring Houston.

"Oh does he?" Jessy questions sarcastically.

"You will be late honey, come on don't keep him waiting", mom states with a smile.

"Oh yeah we will be late".

I rush toward mom and give her a peck then say my goodbyes to her and Jessy and head to where Houston was standing.

"You look..........beautiful", Houston says trying to make his tone sound bossy.

"Oh come on don't flatter me, I look normal. And what with that bossy voice. You said it more like a command than a compliment, ugh...... You are a mood spoiler". I say with too much disappointment in my tone.

"You look beautiful, more beautiful I can say", he state in a soft whisper accompanied with a smirk on his face.

Mom clears her throat after hearing what Houston said and then say a few last words before we leave, "take care of my girl, she is safe and sound and I had love to see her in the same state when she comes back. No more hot coffee, or taunts or accusations, right young man?"

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