Chapter 13

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Aphrodite's POV

I look at [y/n]'s face who's now sleeping beside me. I kiss his forehead and smile.

Aphrodite: I don't know what you like about her but I am always here. Waiting.

Kratos: I see you still love Master.

Aphrodite: Oh Kratos.

Kratos: He's sleeping. I have to check him.

Aphrodite: Why? Is there something wrong about him?

Kratos: Yes, Nuwa,Satan and Veles show up.

Nuwa,Satan and Veles show up in the room.

Veles: I thought you forgot

Kratos: No I can't forgot. Anyways, is he now okay?

Nuwa: Yes he is but if this will continue maybe he'll die.

Aphrodite: What? Is he sick?

Satan: No, it's not like that it's because of his power. If he's really really sad the power inside of him might eat his heart.

Aphrodite: Is there a medicine for that?

Satan: Ah well. He needs a familiar so maybe a little help from Rias he can go there.

Aphrodite: But—

Satan&Nuwa: It's for his health.

Nuwa: So that's it let him sleep for a while don't make him think about what happen. That's all.

The three of them leave and I look at Kratos.

Kratos: Yes tomorrow we're going there. Don't worry I'll be the one who'll help him.

After he said that he leave us in the room. I look at him with a worried face.

Aphrodite: I don't know how can I help you but I will do my best to protect you. I'll change serafall position just for you. I will be your serafall who can make you happy.

I said and then hug him and I sleep on his chest.



I woke up because of the weight in my chest and I saw Aphrodite sleeping. I smile.

You: Thanks for watching after me.
I woke her up and look at her.

You: Hey Aphrodite

Aphrodite: Hmm? Good morning.

You: Good morning

Aphrodite: Are you fine now?

I nod and smile at her and pat her head.

You: Hai. Hai.

Aphrodite: I'm not a child you know. Let's eat everybody's waiting for you.

I nod again and then leave my bed for awhile when I saw Piper with a tea on her hands.

Piper: Sir a tea.

You: Thanks for worrying about me.

I said and then drink the tea. I go outside and see the team with a worried face on them.

You: I'm fine now okay? Don't worry.

Seven: You really like us to worry about you aish. You really are selfish man.

You: yes. Yes. I'm sorry hahaha.

I said then laugh when I remember what happen yesterday and my heart start to tightened. I hold my chest and kneaded slowly because of pain when someone appears before me and kiss my lips. My heart start to calm and then I saw serafall.

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