1. Doubt

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Anti's POV

Blood splatters on the pavement as my fist connects with this squirming worm's nose. He collapses, clutching his face with both hands. This gives me the perfect opportunity to kick him in the stomach.

"Are you ready to talk yet, Felix?" I say, in a cheerful voice. Felix says nothing, but hisses in pain as I kick him in the stomach again.

"Speak when you are spoken to, sweetcheeks! Has nobody learned you any manners?"

"I-I-I know nothing! I swear!" the coward pleads, looking up at me with his dumb, bloodied face. I smirk.

"Then what about this?!" I pull a folder out of my bag. It is filled with pictures of Felix and (y/n), our latest project. I throw the folder in his face. Felix picks up the folder, confused, and looks at the pictures.

"What about (y/n)? Is she alright?"

"She's fine and dandy, unlike you!" I giggle maniacally and press my boot down on his head. "You made some very powerful people very angry, Felix. So, tell me what's going on between you and (y/n), or suffer the consequences!" Although my tone is very cheerful, I press my foot down a little harder to let him know that I mean business.

"W-What do you mean?" I see the confusion in his face. "There is n-nothing going on between me and (y/n)! We're just friends!"

"Oh really? Well, somebody doesn't like the way you look at her. If we catch you looking at her like that again, I'll personally gauge your eyes out. And be warned, we have eyes everywhere."

"There's n-nothing going on between us! Y-you've got it all wrong!" Tears are starting to form in his eyes. I grin widely.

"So you think we're wrong, do you? The big boss is not going to be happy with you! Oh no, not at all!"

I crouch down beside him. Felix winces and cowers against the wall. I smile at him and twirl my trusty knife between my fingers. In the darkness of the night, it glows bright green. I see his eyes widen with fear. My grin broadens.

"This is only going to hurt the tinniest bit," I whisper. Then I plunge my knife into his right eye. Felix screams in pain. Blood runs down his face as he clutches his now blind eye. I watch him squirm on the ground for a moment.

Well, I guess that did hurt!

"Now you'll remember not to look at (y/n) anymore. And if one word of this comes out, I'll have your tongue, too."

I pull the knife out of his eye socket, but not before I wiggle it around a bit more first. Then I wipe the blood off on Felix' shirt.

I turn and walk away, leaving Felix whimpering in the dirt.

(Y/n)'s POV

I empty my cup of (favorite type of coffee) and look at my watch. Felix should have been here half an hour ago! Where in the world is he? I sigh and look through the window. The rain is still pouring down outside, and I consider ordering another cup of coffee. However, I've been feeling quite weird ever since I sat down here. Like something – or someone – is watching me from the shadows...

I shake my head to get rid of the odd feeling. I'm probably just imagining things- there's no reason anyone would be watching me! Unless...

I know this probably sounds crazy, but I have been seeing Anti a lot lately. Or at least, I think it's him. Seán has told me about him and all the other dark alter egos. Seán, Mark, Nate and Matt all have them- dark version of themselves. They are called Antisepticeye – or Anti for short – , Darkiplier, Natemare and Madpat. They have caused a lot of trouble in the past, but now they have gone off the radar. They have been gone for a couple of years now, and in that time I have become great friends with the guys and their girlfriends: Signe, Amy, Christina and Stephanie.

It's probably just a coincidence, I think. Maybe the stories Seán has been telling me have begun to play tricks on my mind. Yes, that's probably it. There is no reason for the dark sides to return now, and I'm not of interest to them at all- I don't even know them!

I decide to brace the rain and head outside. There is no reason for me to feel afraid. No reason at all! But I do worry about Felix. I don't know why he didn't show up. It's so unlike him to stand me up. He could've called at least!

Within seconds I'm soaked. I should have brought a coat! My black skinny jeans and blue hoodie aren't made to withstand this kind of weather.

As I walk down the street, I still can't shake the feeling that something is off. That something is coming... I shiver. Maybe because of the cold, or maybe because of the fear that is spreading through my body, despite what my head is telling me. I shouldn't be afraid, and yet I am...

I look behind me, certain that someone is there. But the rainy streets are deserted. When I turn back to continue walking, I find myself staring into an insane pair of eyes. They are dark. Darker than any other pair of eyes I have ever seen before. Bottomless pools of ink.

Before I can even speak, he has pressed a damp rag against my nose and mouth. The sickeningly sweet scent of chloroform fills my nostrils, and I can feel my thoughts become foggy. The last thing I hear before I black out is his voice, high and clear and terrifying.

"Sweet dreams, lassie."

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this chapter! I tried my best to give a proper build up for what's to come, and I hope you enjoyed it!
Love you all <3


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