3. Control

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Dark's POV

"Really? I'm yours? How's that working out for you?"

My nose explodes in pain. I recoil, stumbling back, almost losing my balance. My hands clench around my nose, and within seconds they are soaked in blood. I wait a few moments to let the pain fade away, and then I straighten my back and regain my posture. I can't afford to appear weak. My subordinates don't even know that weakness exists in my realm.

My eyes lock with hers, anger shining brightly within her (e/c) orbs. But I don't care for her feelings. I don't have the time for it. My world consists of raw power, influence beyond any leader's wildest dreams. I am the monster in the closet. The creature that lurks in the shadows. Other people's feelings are barely a blip on my radar.

"Choose your words wisely, love. They could come back to haunt you."

Her eyes widen in fear, and in that fear, she is beautiful. I am reminded of why I chose her. The wide-eyed innocence, the purity that radiates off of her. Just waiting to be corrupted. A headbutt wasn't exactly my preferred form of greeting, but it might just be what I'm looking for in her. The shadow to her light, the dark edge that shows me just what she could become...

Bonkers, insane, deranged, mad. A lunatic. That is who I want at my side. A crazed maniac to the outside world, but absolutely perfect to me. But as of right now, she still needs to be whipped into shape.

"Who's gonna haunt me then, hm? Any of you wimps?"

At this response I can't help but chuckle. She's feisty. We're going to have to get that out of her. A solution starts to form in my head, but before I can finish the thought, Natemare is already at my side.

"I like the way you're thinking, Boss!" he says, a wide grin on his face. He is carrying a silver plate. On it lie five platinum rings.

I put them on one by one, painstakingly slow to make sure (y/n) suffers the suspense. The first ring, that goes around my pinky finger, is plain platinum. The second one, around my ring finger, has a large red gem on top of it, in which black smoke seems to be swirling around. The next has a black rose on top of it. The fourth ring is encrusted in an assortment of small, dark blue gems. The last one, around my thumb, is once again plain platinum, glittering in the light.

Curling my fingers into a fist, I make my way over to her. She cowers at the sight of my rings. I bring my hand to her face, slowly caressing her face with the cold, rough surface of my rings. Fear blazes in her eyes. I smile.

"I'm really sorry about this, love. But you need to be learned some manners."

As soon as I finish my sentence, I plant my fist into the side of her face. Under the force, her delicate skin rips open. A mark by Dark.

I slide the rings off my fingers and throw them on the ground. They clang on the floor, one by one. It's followed immediately by a pair of knees slamming to the ground. Natemare is groveling, scrambling to pick them up as fast as he can. I scoff. Pathetic. When he gets to his feet again, the rings clutched in his hands, he has a hurt look on his face. Barely a blip.

I snap my fingers.

"Anti, take it from here. She's all yours."

(Y/n)'s POV

After Dark has left the room, followed close behind by Natemare, I'm left alone with Anti. My cheek feels like it's on fire, blood dripping down my neck and soaking the collar of my favorite hoodie. My mind is whirring as I think about Dark. He terrifies me, but that's not all I feel. He is so powerful, so strong, so intriguing... I wonder what's made him this way.

Anti unlocks the chains around my wrists and ankles, and lifts me out of the chair. I'm very lightheaded, and as soon as I stand up, my vision goes black. I involuntarily slump against Anti's chest. He catches me, and he quickly puts me back on my feet. His hands are not as rough as I'd expected. I wonder how long his kindness will last.

As we walk down hallway after hallway, I lift my hand to wipe the blood off my neck. Anti's hand stops mine effortlessly, before my fingertips can even graze my skin.

"Don't," he says, pushing my hand back down. "It looks good on you."

My skin tingles where he's touched me. As he turns away, my gaze falls on his throat. A scarlet, bloody slit mars his skin.

Anti escorts me to a different chamber. I meekly follow him inside. I have no energy left to fight.

For now...

A/N: Hi everybody! I hope you liked this chapter as much as I do! I also want to thank everybody so much for reading! I'm already at 60 reads! That's insane! Thanks so much for the support guys, I really appreciate each and every one of you!
Love you all <3


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