4. Marked

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Anti's POV

I wait by the door until (y/n) has followed me inside. When she approaches the center of the room, I turn my back to her and slam the door closed. Now we're alone. This is my kingdom.

The room is lit by one single lightbulb, and the light illuminates her face. There is still blood on her face from when Dark punched her hard. I gesture her towards a chair in the middle of the room, but she just looks at me, eyebrows raised.

"What's this? Resisting me, are we?"

(Y/n) places her hands on the back of the chair and shifts her weight from one leg to the other. She stares at me, definitely.

"I'm not that keen on following orders," she says.

I meet her gaze and I'm amazed by how daring - nay - stupid she is.

"Did you forget, lassie? You're mine. All mine," I say as I step towards her. I'm struck by her beauty, and I can't help but wish that she were mine... forever.

I see her eyes light up in fear when I'm walking towards her, but in contrast to that she takes on a stance of confidence. I admire that in her. She's feisty. Too bad I'll have to get that out of her.

I glitch towards her. She startles because of my sudden appearance. I grab her by the arm and roughly push her down in the chair. Her hands grasp the arms of the chair, but her eyes keep staring into mine, anger blazing in her gaze.

"You have to learn to obey if you want to survive this place, (y/n)."

"You have to learn to shut your face if you want to survive me!" she answered, her anger hitting me in face.

I stare at her for a moment in pure disbelief. Then I stretch out my hand and close it around her throat. Her breath hitches in her throat and her hands claw at mine, trying to break free. I simply pull her up and towards me, until her face is very close to mine. Her feet dangle a few centimeters above the ground.

"You're going to listen very closely now, (y/n). I could dismantle you with my teeth, if I wanted to. Your temper tantrums are nothing to me."

I drop her to the floor, where she collapses.

"You're a monster," she heaves, breaths coming to her in fragments.

"Oh sweetcheeks, you have no idea..."

(Y/n)'s POV

I push myself up on my elbows, still gasping for air. I look up at Anti, who's suddenly right next to me. He has a cruel smile on his face, and it's the last thing I see before he plants his foot in my face and everything goes black.

I slowly open my eyes, but I notice I'm not laying on the ground anymore. I'm unable to move my arms and legs, and a moment later I discover why. I'm tied to a chair. The room is empty. I wonder where Anti is. If this is his idea of disciplining me, he's got another thing coming.

Suddenly the door swings open. Anti walks into the room, a strange object in his hands. A gush of cold air enter with him. I shiver, and only then notice that my hoodie is gone. Now I feel extremely vulnerable, exposed to him like this. I don't think I can put up much of a fight wearing only a bra...

"You're cute when you sleep, and also a whole lot less difficult," Anti says as he walks over to me. He trails his hand from my cheek down my neck towards my chest. A chill goes down my spine.

"What is the meaning of this?" I ask, and try to shake his hand off but I can't because the chair is restricting me.

"If you were my property, I would keep you all to myself. I would never share your beauty with anybody." He leans in to me.

"You would be mine to admire. Mine to touch. Mine to love."

As he speaks, he almost buries his nose in my neck. He sighs, and the warmth of his breath warms my neck.

"But, alas, you are not. You belong to Dark, and so you have to look the part."

His attention shifts from me to the object in his hand. I can see now that it's an iron rod, with a strange flat disc at the end.

Anti snaps his fingers, and the door opens again. This time Natemare enters, pushing a fire basket into the room. I try not to think about how Anti is going to use it. I try not to think about Anti at all.

Natemare glances in my direction, a smirk on his lips.

"Do you have a thing for criminals or something, honey?"

He winks at me before he leaves, once again leaving me alone with Anti. Anti has already placed the rod into the fire, the disc at the end already beginning to glow orange.

My stomach fills with dread as I realize what he's about to do.

"Please don't do this." My voice is shaking, as I look him directly in the eye.

"Do I frighten you, (y/n)?" he asks, bringing his face close to mine.

I feel my cheeks flush with color, and quickly shake my head.


He's so close I could count his eyelashes if I wanted to.

"Good," he whispers, and I swear I can feel his lips brush against mine. "That's good. You shouldn't be. I don't like hurting you- I really don't. But it's the boss' orders."

He lingers for a moment longer, and then turns away. My heart is hammering in my chest. Emotions course through my veins, flowing into one another until I can't tell which is which.

When Anti turns back to me, he has the rod in his hand. I don't even see it coming- I'm still in awe by the way he treated me. He touches me again, brushing my (h/c) hair out of my neck.

So kind, so tender.

And then white hot pain explodes in my neck as he presses the disc down on my neck. I hear someone screaming, and it takes a moment before I realize that it's me. The scent of burning flesh fills my nostrils.

Anti's POV

When I lift the rod back up again, a burning rose is embedded in her skin. Her screams break the pathetic black thing I call a heart. I feel sick to my stomach as I look at my handiwork.

The mark of Dark.

A/N: Hey everybody! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a while- school had been crazy. I wrote a longer chapter than usual to make up for it :) Also, thank you for almost 200 reads! I'm so glad you enjoy my story so much! I'll see you all in the next chapter~
Love you all <3


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