8. Power

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(Y/n) POV

Time to fake it till I make it.

Three days later and it was going fine.

Dark and I are in his private jet, going to his hideout in Seoul. We're almost there, cotton candy clouds stretching out as I look through the tiny airplane window. I'm sitting on his lap, my arms draped softly around his neck. I'm wearing an expensive (favorite piece of clothing) that I got from Dark. I feel like a queen in his castle. To be fair, living the expensive life is quite neat.

We're about to land and I feel the altitude drop. To keep up my act as his innocent little pet I pretend to be scared of the silly feeling in my stomach. I have to keep pretending that he's the alpha male, but of course, I'm in charge. Now that he's not paying attention to me, I've got him wrapped around my finger like a master puppeteer. Still, I bury my face in his neck and his arms tighten around me to assure me of his love.

It's almost comforting, to have his strong arms around me, to feel the soft fabric of his suit jacket against my cheek. He smells vaguely of cinnamon, of cigarette smoke & the metallic scent of blood that seems to cling to him wherever he goes. I wonder what he must be thinking now. Is he genuinely concerned for me? Or is he just keeping me from being difficult?

As our plane touches the ground and comes to a halt, his arms fall away. He stands up abruptly, and I stumble to my feet. I know to stand at least one pace behind him, and to keep my head low. Eye contact will be met with punishment, one that I've endured more times than I care to admit.

Dark POV

As we walk through the halls of my manor here in Korea, I hear the step of my dear (y/n) following steadily behind me. She's been behaving so well these past few days. I must remember to send Madpat a thank-you gift when we get home. I'm sure Natemare won't mind.

I also think my conditioning of her has been working splendidly. Not all behavioral mishaps can be fixed by a potion, so you're gonna have to beat the last bits of imperfection out of them. And now she's absolutely ideal. 

While lost in thought, I bump into someone. I regain my balance and look at the person in front of me, who's staring back up at me with large, frightened eyes. As they should be. How could he be so ridiculously careless on my grounds. 

I should have him beaten. I should have him whipped. I should have him flayed. I should have him executed. I should-

"You should be punished for that," (y/n)'s voice comes from somewhere behind me. She turns to me, but doesn't look me in the eye - good girl. "Master, can I take care of this for you?" she asks, innocently. My heart damn near skips a beat, and I stare at her, dumbfounded.

I regain my posture quickly. "Certainly," I manage. She flashes me a sweet smile and her fingertips brush against the small of my back. She takes two confident strides over to Matthias, as the poor guy is called. Her long fingernails dig into the skin of his arm, drawing blood. After that, she slaps him across the face and buries the heel of her stiletto in his foot. He buckles over, and she knees him in the nose. He falls uselessly to the ground, gasping for air.

My chest swells with pride as I look at her, red-faced and breathless. I think that I truly may love this girl. This is exactly who I need, ruling by my side. And I'm prepared to give her everything if she keeps behaving this well.

(Y/n) POV

We're in the courtyard of Dark's manor. The events of the previous day still haunt my every waking moment. Dark has been sure to praise me properly for my actions, but I'd take it all back if I could. It's scary to have so much power over someone, and I'm not quite sure but... maybe I liked it. It sure is tempting to lead a life like this. The mere thought frightens me- all that money, all that power... 

All that Dark.

A/N: Hey everybody! I know it's been a reaaally long time since I last updated, but I have to thank all of you lovelies for almost 3K reads! That's so much more than I ever dreamed of getting when I first started on Shadows! It makes my heart so happy to know that you all enjoy it so much! Please leave a comment telling me your favorite character! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you all in the next one!
Love you all <3


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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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