An Invitation

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Part Five -  An Invitation <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Halley walked into school that day, trudging past the rows of lockers that neatly lined the walls, still hiding behind her neuter mask. She knew she was a girl at the moment; she had been so for a week now.

But, as she was too afraid of what the school might think, she had adopted a mask of being neutral all the time.

After another minute or so, she reached her destination, her locker. Fumbling with the combination lock, the locker burst open, and the first thing she saw was a folded piece of paper, taped to the inner side of the door.

That hadn't been there yesterday.

In the end, curiosity got the better of her, and she unfolded the paper. Her face broke into a soft smile as soon as she read the message.

Hola, Halley!

Como Estas? Please met me in cafeteria today, I want to tell you something.

Table 11. Be there.


Halley smiled to herself and placed the paper in her pocket. Suddenly, the day was looking a lot brighter.


Table Eleven had a few occupants that day. Carlotta was sitting there with Sophie, and she kept scanning the room, as though she was looking for someone. Sophie had been watching her for the past few minutes, wondering what could be the matter.

"Carlotta, what is the matter? You've been acting strangely all day!"

"Que?" Carlotta asked, snapping out of her stupor. "Did you say something?"

"Huh, Carlotta, nice of ya to join us." Sophie quipped. "To answer ya question, yep, I did say something."

"Us?" Carlotta asked, confused. "But there's only one of you."

"Really, Carlotta? Look again." Sophie said, trying to hide her grin.

Carlotta looked around, and there was Halley, sitting next to her, smiling gently.

She shrieked, and said something in Spanish, that I would dare not put here.


Once she had recovered from her shock, Halley put a hand on her shoulder, and said, "Well, you requested I be at table eleven, didn't you?"

"Si, I did." Carlotta breathed in and out, steadying herself. "Glad you could make it."

They smiled at each other, and there was silence for a few moments.

Sophie sighed and examined her fingernails. "Honestly, enough with the lovey-dovey stuff, I'm sure ya're happy to see your girlfriend." She said, looking pointedly at Halley.

"Girlfriend?!" Halley spluttered, flabbergasted. "What makes you think we're in a relationship?"

"Well, you're always so affectionate with each other, hugging, touching, holding hands, why wouldn't I think that ya were?" Sophie asked, defiant, her arms crossed.

"Ay, Sophie, don't so quickly assume. We are not in a relationship. We are just, how you say..."

"Affectionate people?" Halley suggested.

"Si, that is what I mean," Carlotta said, smiling.

Sophie looked at them both, and a sheepish look came over her face. After that, no-one said anything.


Sophie was brash, quick to judge, and sarcastic, but she had a strong moral compass, and the last thing she wanted was to get in this person's bad books.

So, she coughed awkwardly and looked at Halley. "So, uh, sorry about that. I didn't mean to be rude."

"Anyway, my name's Sophie Robinson, although you might have heard some refer to me as Sam." She extended her hand for Halley to shake.

"Hello, Sophie. I'm Hayden. When I met you, I thought you were a boy." Halley said, shaking her hand firmly.

Sophie grinned and leaned in. "Hey, I like a girl with a strong handshake. Oh, and Halley, Carlotta told me you're genderfluid."

Halley's eyes widened, and she whispered, "You don't mind?"

"Don't mind?!" Sophie gave a loud snort. "Of course I don't mind. Carlotta's told me all about you; you seem nice." She smiled, and Halley smiled back.

"Besides," Sophie whispered, "In our friendship group, we've got a Pan, a Bi, a Gay, hell, we've even got a Genderqueer person. So, let's say, we're all LGBT+ supporters."

Halley smiled, a big, genuine one, and whispered, "Thank you."


"So Carlotta," Sophie said, leaning back against the wall, hands behind her head. "What is this big surprise that you're going to tell us?"

"Surprise?" Halley asked, eyes shining.

"Si," Carlotta said. It was clear she had been anticipating this moment all day. "Well, surprise is, do you want to come my house, today? After school. We can spend time with each other, and I have surprise that you will like."

"Come to your house? Heck yeah!" Sophie cried, punching the air. "That'd be bonza!"

Carlotta smiled and turned to Halley. "Y tu, Halley? Do you want to?"

Halley closer her eyes, and opened them again. She couldn't help but grin. "Yes, I'd love to."

Carlotta and Sophie's face burst into a smile, and they both said, "Great!"

Turning to Sophie, Carlotta said, "Can I have your phone? I need to message someone."

"Sure," Sophie said, reaching into her shorts pocket, and pulled out a slim phone, and passed it to Carlotta. "Who are you going to message. Are you going to invite someone else?"

Carlotta smiled and put a finger to her lips. "Secret."

"Roger that. I'll just have to see." Sophie said, sighing. She knew it was impossible to get something out of Carlotta when she didn't want to.

"Anyway," Halley said, smiling. "Lunch will be over soon; we'd better start eating."

"Hell, you're right!" Sophie cried, and began digging into her tray. "Mphm, this isn't too bad." She said, between bites.

Carlotta looked at them both and smiled. They were getting on better than she had expected.

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