The Strength Of Family

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Part Seven - The Strength Of Family <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

"So," Sophie began, rearranging her legs on the bench stool. "When are you going to reveal this surprise of yours?"

"Yes, when are you?" Jaleela added. "I must admit I was intrigued by your message."

"Honestly, Carla, come on!" Halley groaned. "All this anticipation is killing me!"

"Patience!" Carlotta snapped. Then, cooling down, she added, grinning, "What is it you say, ay, good things come to those who wait."

There came a disappointed moan from all three, and Carlotta smiled. "First, I'd like you to meet my family."


Carlotta cupped her hands to her mouth, and was just about to yell out, when Luis, her older brother, sauntered into the kitchen.

"Hola, Carla, how was school today?" Luis asked in Spanish. He walked over to the kitchen bench, and only then did he notice the three sitting and standing around it.

"Hey! Who are you?" He said in English. Then, turning to Carlotta, he said, "You never told me you were having friends over."

Turning back to get a proper look at them, his eyes almost fell out of his head when he saw Jaleela and Halley.

Oh, and you never told me what gorgoues friends of yours you had," He said, winking at them. "Carlotta, why don't you be a nice sister and introduce me?"

Carlotta sighed, and walked over to them. "Everyone, this is Luis, my big brother.

"Hey." He said, flashing them a grin.

Carlotta rolled her eyes. "Lui, stop doing that. There are other girls."

He shrugged his shoulders in a sorry, not sorry kind of way. She shook her head, and continued the plesantries.

"Luis, this is Halley, Jaleela, and Sophie." Everyone smiled, or waved.

He ignored all this, and instead ogled at Sophie. "What? I thought you were a boy!"

"Don't worry, mate." Sophie said. "Everyone does. But seriously, call me Sam."

"Alright," Replied a bemused Luis.

"Anyway, I'll get out of your way." Luis said, and poured himself a glass of milk. "See you round!" With that, he was out the door.

"Nice guy." Sophie said.

"Si." Carlotta agreed. "Although, much too, er how you say, flirty?"

"Yes, that's it." Jaleela said, smiling. "Your english is improving."

"Eh." Carlotta muttered. "His is better than mine."

Halley, sensing that Carlotta was feeling uncomfortable, she decided the best thing was to distract her.

"Er, Carla? She said, and Carlotta's head snapped round. "I was just wondering, can we meet your parents?"

"Ay, of course. One moment, I will call them." She turned around, and cupped her hands to her mouth, and yelled out in a musical, lilting language.

Moments later, another voice floated down the hall, in the same language, but a deeper voice, so everyone assumed it must be her father.

She turned back to them, a smile on her face. "Come with me. My Papa is out back." Then, beckoning them with a finger, she walked out of the kitchen. Halley and Jaleela followed her out.

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