Carlotta's Passion

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Part Eight - Carlotta's Passion <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

By now, everyone was bursting with curiosity as to what her surprise was, so they crowded into, what was clearly, Carlotta's room. But the interior surprised everyone.

It was a fairly average room, divided in half by a thick curtain, her bed in the corner, elevated with a desk and drawers underneath. The walls were covered in posters in Spanish, depicting bands and musical groups. But what surprised everyone was three guitars sitting on a rack attached to the wall.

Each was beautifully decorated. One was black, with swirling calligraphy and treble clefs. Another was purple, covered in lots of stickers. The last one was a rough, unfinished looking one, covered in irregular splashes of paint.

"Carlotta!" Sophie cried, amazed. "Are they all yours?"

"Si." Carlotta said, her eyes shining. It was clear they were her most prized possessions.

"Wow, they're incredible." Jaleela said. "Very well decorated too."

"Thank you." Carlotta said, smiling. Then, she gestured to the floor. "Please, sit down. I only have one beanbag, though."

"That's alright, Carla." Halley said, making herself comfortable on the floor. "Jaleela can have the beanbag."

"Thanks, Halley." Jaleela said gratefully, smiling at the girl. Halley smiled akwardly back, her insides a gooey mess.

"So, Carlotta," Sophie said, wincing as she maneuvered her legs into a comfortable position. "Where did you get your guitars from?"

"Well," Carlotta began, her eyes shining as she looked at them. "The black one, es mi first guitar. It is a classic guitar, makes a different sound from normal guitar. Mi papa painted it."

"The purple one, is a normal guitar, it is, how you say, it is already been owned..."

"Second-hand?" Sophie suggested.

"Si, es second-hand. I put the stickers on there. Y, the other one, it is a steel-string. Makes different sound from others, because it has steel strings. Good for a loud, bright sound."

Carlotta suddenly grimaced, and looked at the guitar. "I do not like it that much, because it looks bad."

"Bad?" Halley said, surprised. "Why do you think that, Carla, it looks great!"

"Well, it is made by my father, made from many pieces of wood. It does not look that nice."

"Aww, Carlotta, don't let that get you down." Sophie said, surprised that her friend was looking so dejected. "I think it looks great!"

"Yes, it does Carlotta, really." Jaleela echoed.

"Carlotta looked at them, and smiled. "I am glad you are my friends. You are all so nice. Without you, I am lonely here."

They all smiled, and Halley asked, "Carlotta, does your surprise have something to do with your guitars?"

"Yes, it does." Carlotta said, and everyone inched closer, eager to finally hear what the surprise was.

"I want to play flamenco with you all."


Everyone's eyes started shining. "Really?" They all cried out.

"Si." Carlotta said, looking excited. "Do you want to?"

"Sure!" Halley said.

"That would be wonderful!" Jaleela added, her pretty brown eyes sparkling.

"Sophie?" Carlotta asked. "Do you want to?"

"Alright," Sophie said, grinning. "Just as long as I don't have to wear that ridiculous frock that they wear."

"Ay, of course not." Carlotta assured her. "You are not dancing. You all have a role to play."

"And what will that be?" Jaleela asked, her mind whirring.

"I will explain now."


"In flamenco, traditionally, there are three people. The dancer, the singer, and the person who plays the guitar." Carlotta explained, everyone listening intently. "But, we are not traditional, we are going to do it another way."

"Halley, you did bring your violin?" Carlotta asked.

"Yes, I did, like you wanted." Halley said, gesturing to the black case.

"Bien. Please take it out, and get it ready."

"Why, what am I going to do?" Halley asked.

"Play your violin with me." Carlotta said, her eyes shining. "Is that okay?"

"Okay? That'd be wonderful."

"Alright, bien." Carlotta said, and turned to Sophie, while Halley began to un-zip the case.

"Sophie, you brought your clapping sticks?" Carlotta asked.

"That I do, like you wanted." Sophie said, grinning, and bought the two sticks out of her hoodie pocket.

"Bien. You are going to keep the beat."

"Oh, cool." Sophie said, and a wistful look came over her face. "That's what I used to do back at home, when we had the festival dances. I love that part of my mob."

"Why, where are you from?" Halley asked, surprised.

"I'm from Australia, from Walpiri country." Sophie said, her tanned face lit up at just the thought of her country. "I'm an Indige, known to most as an Aboriginal Australian."

"Really?" Halley asked, intrigued. "What was it like there?"

"Oh, there's tones of open space, red dirt, and terrific sunsets. Nothing like London."

"Do you miss there?"

"Ah, well, like anyone really. Sometimes." Sophie smiled, but there was a pained look in her eyes, it was clear she did miss her country.

"What's Jaleela going to do?" Halley asked, trying to move Sophie through her feeling of homesickness.

"She is going to dance." Carlotta said, smiling.

"Really?" Jaleela asked, her eyes shining. "I'd love to do that, but I don't have anything to wear."

"Ay, but I have something for you. A flamenco costume." Carlotta said, grinning.

"Wow, are you serious? This is amazing, thank you!" Jaleela cried, and gave Carlotta a hug.

"You are welcome," Carlotta replied, hugging her back. "I love making my friends happy. Now, I will help you get changed."

"Wait, before you do," Halley said, sliding some rosin up and down her bow, making a scratching sound. "What are you going to do?"

"Bueno, I am going to play the guitar, and sing."

"Sing?" Sophie cried, agog. "Who are you and what have you done with Carlotta?"

Carlotta smiled, and said quietly, "I always like singing. But I thought I was not good, so I never sing in front of people. Only to myself."

"Why are you going to sing in front of us?" Halley asked, confused.

"Because you will not laugh. You are my friends, and I trust you." Carlotta said, her eyes full of gratitude. "Besides, I have been hiding for too long."

"Now," Carlotta said, coughing, and turned to Jaleela. "I will help you."

They walked out of the room, and into the bathroom that Carlotta shared with her brothers. The door closed behind them, and suddenly the only sound in room was the scratching of the rosin against the bow, and Sophie's loud, heavy breathing.

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